Do you have a unique key on site,variable?
If not, what do you want in the treatment column if there are rows for both treatments X and Y  or 2 Xs for a specific site and variable?

If your data makes sense, you can pivot table t1 and then full join t2.


On 12/29/2012 11:45 PM, Kirk Wythers wrote:
I have been given an interesting problem to solve in a postgres db. I was given two tables


site		treatment		variable		id (pk)
A		X				BLUE		1A
B		Y				RED		2B
A		Y				GREEN		3A


rowid (pk)	timestamp		BLUE		RED		GREEN
1			1332493200		3.4			2.1			5.8
2			1332496800		3.2			2.0			5.8
3			1332500400		3.3			2.2			6.0

I need to combine the site and treatment information from t1 with the variable records in t2. I think I will have to combine these one variable at a time. Something like this (I'm not using the word join, because I don't think this is a join in the regular sense. It's more like some kind of crazy pivot table thing!):


rowid (pk)	timestamp		BLUE		site 		treatment
1			1332493200		3.4			A		X
2			1332496800		3.2			A		X
3			1332500400		3.3			A		X

and then:


rowid (pk)	timestamp		RED		site 		treatment
1			1332493200		2.1			B		Y
2			1332496800		2.0			B		Y
3			1332500400		2.2			B		Y

Is this even possible?