F.17. json

This module implements the json data type for storing JSON content in PostgreSQL. The advantage of using the json type over storing JSON content in a text field is that it makes sure input values are valid JSON, and there are several type-safe functions for manipulating JSON content.

The json type stores valid JSON "values" as defined by json.org. That is, a json field can hold a string, number, object, array, 'true', 'false', or 'null'.

The json datatype should be thought of as a specialization of text rather than a wrapper around text, int, float, etc. For instance, ' "string" '::json::text will simply yield ' "string" '. Also, bear in mind that JSON null ('null'::json) and SQL NULL (NULL::json) are two different things.

The json module is currently under development.

F.17.1. json Functions

Table F-11. json Functions

FunctionReturn TypeDescriptionExampleResult
to_json(anyelement)jsonEncode a value as JSON.to_json('string'::TEXT)'"string"'
from_json(json)textDecode a JSON-encoded value.from_json('"string"')'string'
json_validate(text)booleanDetermine if text is valid JSON.json_validate('{key: "value"}')false
json_validate('{"key": "value"}')true
json_get(json, jsonpath text)jsonSelect a single value from a JSON tree using a JSONPath expression.json_get('[0,1,2]', '$[1]')'1'
json_get('[0,1,2]', '$[100]')NULL
json_get('[0,1,2]', '$[*]')Error
json_set(json, jsonpath text, json)jsonSet items in a JSON tree that match a JSONPath expression.json_set('[0,1,2]', '$[1]', '"x"')'[0,"x",2]'
json_set('[0,1,2]', '$[100]', '"x"')'[0,1,2]'
json_set('[0,1,2]', '$[*]', '"x"')'["x","x","x"]'
json_path(json, jsonpath text)setof jsonSelect multiple values from a JSON tree using a JSONPath expression.json_path('[0,1,2]', '$[1]')
(1 row)
json_path('[0,1,2]', '$[100]')
(0 rows)
json_path('[0,1,2]', '$[*]')
(3 rows)
json_condense(json)jsonRe-encodes JSON to form a string with minimal length (mainly removes whitespace).json_condense(' { "key" : "value"} ')'{"key":"value"}'
json_condense($$ "\u266B" $$)'"♫"' -- if encoding supports Unicode
json_type(json)json_type_t -  one of:
Get the type of a json value.json_type('{"pi": "3.14159", "e": "2.71828"}')'object'

F.17.2. Author

Joey Adams

Development of this module was sponsored by Google through its Google Summer of Code program (code.google.com/soc).