chester c young wrote:
--- Bob Singleton <> wrote:

Revisiting a Time In Status query I received help on - I'm trying to 
narrow down a subset of data I return for analysis.

Given a statusLog as entityId, statusId, timestamp that might look 
something like

entityId | statusId | timestamp
001      | HLD      | 2007-06-14 11:07:35.93
001      | RDY      | 2007-06-15 11:07:35.93
001      | USE      | 2007-06-16 11:07:35.93
001      | RDY      | 2007-06-17 11:07:35.93
001      | MNT      | 2007-06-18 11:07:35.93

I need to pull for a given span of time - say 2007-06-16 00:00:00.01 
(let me call it startTime)  to 2007-06-17 23:59:59.99 (call it
in such a way that rows with a timestamp between startTime and
AND the latest record prior to or equal to startTime are returned. In

the above simplified example, only the second and third rows would be


A colleague suggested a temp table, but I'm unsure how to iterate
I pass the startTime and then write the _previous_ and all subsequent

rows to a temp table, stopping when I pass the endTime parameter.

Any hints?

Bob Singleton


couldn't you use the simple query:

select * from sometable
where timestamp between
  (select max(timestamp) from sometable where timestamp <= minTime)
  and maxTime

This works very well unless I have no records where timestamp <= minTime. If I try 
    select max(timestamp) from sometable where timestamp <= minTime;
I get

(1 row)
And the blank row/line/value/? confuses the between call - I get 0 rows returned.
(if minTime is later than at least one row's timestamp I will see something like)
 2007-06-08 17:42:00.18
(1 row)

Any help greatly appreciated!