BEGIN; CREATE TABLE accounts_basics ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, country text NOT NULL DEFAULT 'US'::text, email text NOT NULL, password_reset bool DEFAULT false, public_handle varchar(32) NOT NULL, valid_email bool NOT NULL DEFAULT false, modified_by int4, event_type text ); CREATE TABLE credit_card_type ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, credit_card_type text NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT ck_cc_type UNIQUE (credit_card_type) ); CREATE TABLE credit_card ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, account_id int4 NOT NULL, profile_id int4 NOT NULL, expires date NOT NULL, active bool, cc_number varchar(64), credit_card_type text NOT NULL, billing_name varchar(30) NOT NULL, modified_by int4, event_type text, CONSTRAINT "$1" FOREIGN KEY (account_id) REFERENCES accounts_basics (id) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE CASCADE, CONSTRAINT fk_cc_type FOREIGN KEY (credit_card_type) REFERENCES credit_card_type (credit_card_type) MATCH SIMPLE ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE NO ACTION ); CREATE TABLE credit_card_audit ( credit_card_audit_id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, actor text NOT NULL DEFAULT "current_user"(), "action" text NOT NULL, credit_card_action_time timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT now(), event_type text, modified_by int4, account_id int4, credit_card_old credit_card, credit_card_new credit_card, CONSTRAINT credit_card_audit_action_check CHECK ("action" = 'INSERT'::text OR "action" = 'UPDATE'::text OR "action" = 'DELETE'::text), CONSTRAINT credit_card_audit_modified_by_fkey FOREIGN KEY (modified_by) REFERENCES accounts_basics (id) MATCH FULL ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE NO ACTION, CONSTRAINT credit_card_audit_account_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (account_id) REFERENCES accounts_basics (id) MATCH FULL ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE NO ACTION DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED ); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION audit_credit_card () RETURNS TRIGGER LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$ DECLARE rows_affected INTEGER; BEGIN PERFORM tablename FROM pg_tables WHERE tablename = TG_RELNAME || '_audit'; IF NOT FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'No audit table found for %', TG_RELNAME; END IF; IF TG_OP = 'INSERT' THEN INSERT INTO public.credit_card_audit (action, event_type, modified_by, credit_card_new) VALUES ('INSERT', NEW.event_type, NEW.modified_by, NEW ); ELSIF TG_OP = 'UPDATE' THEN INSERT INTO public.credit_card_audit (action, event_type, modified_by, credit_card_old, credit_card_new) VALUES ('UPDATE', NEW.event_type, NEW.modified_by, OLD , NEW ); ELSIF TG_OP = 'DELETE' THEN INSERT INTO public.credit_card_audit (action, event_type, modified_by, credit_card_old) VALUES ('DELETE', OLD.event_type, OLD.modified_by, OLD ); ELSE RAISE EXCEPTION 'TG_OP is none of INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE.'; END IF; GET DIAGNOSTICS rows_affected = ROW_COUNT; IF rows_affected = 1 THEN IF TG_OP IN ('INSERT', 'UPDATE') THEN RETURN NEW; ELSE RETURN OLD; END IF; ELSE RAISE EXCEPTION 'INSERT failed on public.credit_card_audit'; END IF; END; $$; CREATE TRIGGER audit_credit_card BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON credit_card FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE audit_credit_card(); CREATE INDEX credit_card_audit_event_type_idx ON credit_card_audit USING btree (event_type); CREATE INDEX credit_card_audit_modified_by_idx ON credit_card_audit USING btree (modified_by); CREATE OR REPLACE RULE credit_card_audit_no_delete AS ON DELETE TO credit_card_audit DO INSTEAD NOTHING; CREATE OR REPLACE RULE credit_card_audit_no_update AS ON UPDATE TO credit_card_audit DO INSTEAD NOTHING; CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW cc_with_id_view AS SELECT, cc.account_id, cc.profile_id, cc.expires,, cc.cc_number, AS credit_card_type_id FROM credit_card cc JOIN credit_card_type cct USING (credit_card_type); INSERT INTO credit_card_type (credit_card_type) VALUES ('fake'); INSERT INTO accounts_basics ( email, public_handle, modified_by, event_type ) VALUES ('', 'Dude567', 1, 'Test'); INSERT INTO credit_card (account_id, profile_id, expires, active, cc_number, credit_card_type, billing_name, modified_by, event_type) VALUES (1, 1, '12/12/2020', 't', '1234567890', 'fake', 'The Dude', 1, 'test'); INSERT INTO credit_card (account_id, profile_id, expires, active, cc_number, credit_card_type, billing_name, event_type) VALUES (1, 1, '1/15/2006', 'f', '1234567890', 'fake', 'Jeff Lebowski', 'test'); COMMIT;