Dear sir,

Q 1)
While retrieving BLOBs from the database...
There is an Exception displaying : with message...
Fast path protocol error : z
Eventhough i am importing like :
import postgresql.fastpath.*;
import postgresql.largeobject.*;

and connecting :
    Fastpath fp;
  LargeObjectManager lobj;
    lobj = ((postgresql.Connection)conn).getLargeObjectAPI();//     ...code that opens a connection ...
    fp = ((postgresql.Connection)conn).getFastpathAPI(); //Fastpath object allowing access to functions on the postgresql backend.

by osing lobj i want to get Image directy into HTML by

Q 2)
Is it posiible to get LargeObjects from database and display in HTML.
Ex: I want to display image file dynamically by retrieving database , without
 using streams . i.e without creating file and storing it to disk.

Could you answer these queries ...and reply back ASAP..
If there are any such methods pls. send me the code too..
