Build started at 2024-11-13T09:37:45.113951 Main binary: C:\Python\Python310\python.exe Build Options: -Dssl=openssl '-Dextra_lib_dirs=D:\Jenkins\workspace\workspace\Postgres-9.4\OpenSSL\OpenSSL-Install\OpenSSL-3.1.6-wx6\lib' '-Dextra_include_dirs=D:\Jenkins\workspace\workspace\Postgres-9.4\OpenSSL\OpenSSL-Install\OpenSSL-3.1.6-wx6\include\openssl' -Dnls=disabled -Dplperl=disabled -Dplpython=disabled -Dpltcl=disabled -Dllvm=disabled -Dlz4=disabled -Dzstd=disabled -Dgssapi=disabled -Dldap=disabled -Dpam=disabled -Dbsd_auth=disabled -Dsystemd=disabled -Dbonjour=disabled -Duuid=none -Dlibxml=disabled -Dlibxslt=disabled -Dselinux=disabled -Dicu=disabled -Dzlib=disabled '-Dprefix=D:\Jenkins\workspace\workspace\Postgres-9.4\PostgreSQL\postgres-Install\pg_17.0_wx6' -Dbuildtype=release Python system: Windows The Meson build system Version: 1.6.0 Source dir: D:\Jenkins\workspace\workspace\Postgres-9.4\PostgreSQL\postgres-Source\buildPostgreSQL_wx6_17.0\postgresql-17.0 Build dir: D:\Jenkins\workspace\workspace\Postgres-9.4\PostgreSQL\postgres-Source\buildPostgreSQL_wx6_17.0\postgresql-17.0\build Build type: native build Project name: postgresql Project version: 17.0 ----------- Detecting compiler via: `icl ""` -> [WinError 2] The system cannot find the file specified ----------- Detecting compiler via: `cl /?` -> 0 stdout: C/C++ COMPILER OPTIONS -OPTIMIZATION- /O1 maximum optimizations (favor space) /O2 maximum optimizations (favor speed) /Ob inline expansion (default n=0) /Od disable optimizations (default) /Og enable global optimization /Oi[-] enable intrinsic functions /Os favor code space /Ot favor code speed /Ox optimizations (favor speed) /favor: select processor to optimize for, one of: blend - a combination of optimizations for several different x64 processors AMD64 - 64-bit AMD processors INTEL64 - Intel(R)64 architecture processors ATOM - Intel(R) Atom(TM) processors -CODE GENERATION- /Gu[-] ensure distinct functions have distinct addresses /Gw[-] separate global variables for linker /GF enable read-only string pooling /Gm[-] enable minimal rebuild /Gy[-] separate functions for linker /GS[-] enable security checks /GR[-] enable C++ RTTI /GX[-] enable C++ EH (same as /EHsc) /guard:cf[-] enable CFG (control flow guard) /guard:ehcont[-] enable EH continuation metadata (CET) /EHs enable C++ EH (no SEH exceptions) /EHa enable C++ EH (w/ SEH exceptions) /EHc extern "C" defaults to nothrow /EHr always generate noexcept runtime termination checks /fp: choose floating-point model: except[-] - consider floating-point exceptions when generating code fast - "fast" floating-point model; results are less predictable precise - "precise" floating-point model; results are predictable strict - "strict" floating-point model (implies /fp:except) /Qfast_transcendentals generate inline FP intrinsics even with /fp:except /Qspectre[-] enable mitigations for CVE 2017-5753 /Qpar[-] enable parallel code generation /Qpar-report:1 auto-parallelizer diagnostic; indicate parallelized loops /Qpar-report:2 auto-parallelizer diagnostic; indicate loops not parallelized /Qvec-report:1 auto-vectorizer diagnostic; indicate vectorized loops /Qvec-report:2 auto-vectorizer diagnostic; indicate loops not vectorized /GL[-] enable link-time code generation /volatile: choose volatile model: iso - Acquire/release semantics not guaranteed on volatile accesses ms - Acquire/release semantics guaranteed on volatile accesses /GA optimize for Windows Application /Ge force stack checking for all funcs /Gs[num] control stack checking calls /Gh enable _penter function call /GH enable _pexit function call /GT generate fiber-safe TLS accesses /RTC1 Enable fast checks (/RTCsu) /RTCc Convert to smaller type checks /RTCs Stack Frame runtime checking /RTCu Uninitialized local usage checks /clr[:option] compile for common language runtime, where option is: pure : produce IL-only output file (no native executable code) safe : produce IL-only verifiable output file netcore : produce assemblies targeting .NET Core runtime noAssembly : do not produce an assembly nostdlib : ignore the system .NET framework directory when searching for assemblies nostdimport : do not import any required assemblies implicitly initialAppDomain : enable initial AppDomain behavior of Visual C++ 2002 implicitKeepAlive- : turn off implicit emission of System::GC::KeepAlive(this) /fsanitize=address Enable address sanitizer codegen /homeparams Force parameters passed in registers to be written to the stack /GZ Enable stack checks (/RTCs) /Gv __vectorcall calling convention /arch: minimum CPU architecture requirements, one of: AVX - enable use of instructions available with AVX-enabled CPUs AVX2 - enable use of instructions available with AVX2-enabled CPUs AVX512 - enable use of instructions available with AVX-512-enabled CPUs /QIntel-jcc-erratum enable mitigations for Intel JCC erratum /Qspectre-load Enable spectre mitigations for all instructions which load memory /Qspectre-load-cf Enable spectre mitigations for all control-flow instructions which load memory /fpcvt: FP to unsigned integer conversion compatibility IA - results compatible with VCVTTSD2USI instruction BC - results compatible with VS2017 and earlier compiler -OUTPUT FILES- /Fa[file] name assembly listing file /FA[scu] configure assembly listing /Fd[file] name .PDB file /Fe name executable file /Fm[file] name map file /Fo name object file /Fp name precompiled header file /Fr[file] name source browser file /FR[file] name extended .SBR file /Fi[file] name preprocessed file /Fd: name .PDB file /Fe: name executable file /Fm: name map file /Fo: name object file /Fp: name .PCH file /FR: name extended .SBR file /Fi: name preprocessed file /Ft location of the header files generated for #import /doc[file] process XML documentation comments and optionally name the .xdc file -PREPROCESSOR- /AI add to assembly search path /FU forced using assembly/module /C don't strip comments /D{=|#} define macro /E preprocess to stdout /EP preprocess to stdout, no #line /P preprocess to file /Fx merge injected code to file /FI name forced include file /U remove predefined macro /u remove all predefined macros /I add to include search path /X ignore "standard places" /PH generate #pragma file_hash when preprocessing /PD print all macro definitions -LANGUAGE- /std: C++ standard version c++14 - ISO/IEC 14882:2014 (default) c++17 - ISO/IEC 14882:2017 c++latest - latest draft standard (feature set subject to change) /permissive[-] enable some nonconforming code to compile (feature set subject to change) (on by default) /Ze enable extensions (default) /Za disable extensions /ZW enable WinRT language extensions /Zs syntax check only /Zc:arg1[,arg2] C++ language conformance, where arguments can be: forScope[-] enforce Standard C++ for scoping rules wchar_t[-] wchar_t is the native type, not a typedef auto[-] enforce the new Standard C++ meaning for auto trigraphs[-] enable trigraphs (off by default) rvalueCast[-] enforce Standard C++ explicit type conversion rules strictStrings[-] disable string-literal to [char|wchar_t]* conversion (off by default) implicitNoexcept[-] enable implicit noexcept on required functions threadSafeInit[-] enable thread-safe local static initialization inline[-] remove unreferenced function or data if it is COMDAT or has internal linkage only (off by default) sizedDealloc[-] enable C++14 global sized deallocation functions (on by default) throwingNew[-] assume operator new throws on failure (off by default) referenceBinding[-] a temporary will not bind to an non-const lvalue reference (off by default) twoPhase- disable two-phase name lookup ternary[-] enforce C++11 rules for conditional operator (off by default) noexceptTypes[-] enforce C++17 noexcept rules (on by default in C++17 or later) alignedNew[-] enable C++17 alignment of dynamically allocated objects (on by default) hiddenFriend[-] enforce Standard C++ hidden friend rules (implied by /permissive-) externC[-] enforce Standard C++ rules for 'extern "C"' functions (implied by /permissive-) lambda[-] better lambda support by using the newer lambda processor (off by default) tlsGuards[-] generate runtime checks for TLS variable initialization (on by default) zeroSizeArrayNew[-] call member new/delete for 0-size arrays of objects (on by default) /await enable resumable functions extension /await:strict enable standard C++20 coroutine support with earlier language versions /constexpr:depth recursion depth limit for constexpr evaluation (default: 512) /constexpr:backtrace show N constexpr evaluations in diagnostics (default: 10) /constexpr:steps terminate constexpr evaluation after N steps (default: 100000) /Zi enable debugging information /Z7 enable old-style debug info /Zo[-] generate richer debugging information for optimized code (on by default) /ZH:[MD5|SHA1|SHA_256] hash algorithm for calculation of file checksum in debug info (default: MD5) /Zp[n] pack structs on n-byte boundary /Zl omit default library name in .OBJ /vd{0|1|2} disable/enable vtordisp /vm type of pointers to members /std: C standard version c11 - ISO/IEC 9899:2011 c17 - ISO/IEC 9899:2018 /ZI enable Edit and Continue debug info /openmp enable OpenMP 2.0 language extensions /openmp:experimental enable OpenMP 2.0 language extensions plus select OpenMP 3.0+ language extensions /openmp:llvm OpenMP language extensions using LLVM runtime -MISCELLANEOUS- @ options response file /?, /help print this help message /bigobj generate extended object format /c compile only, no link /errorReport:option deprecated. Report internal compiler errors to Microsoft none - do not send report prompt - prompt to immediately send report queue - at next admin logon, prompt to send report (default) send - send report automatically /FC use full pathnames in diagnostics /H max external name length /J default char type is unsigned /MP[n] use up to 'n' processes for compilation /nologo suppress copyright message /showIncludes show include file names /Tc compile file as .c /Tp compile file as .cpp /TC compile all files as .c /TP compile all files as .cpp /V set version string /Yc[file] create .PCH file /Yd put debug info in every .OBJ /Yl[sym] inject .PCH ref for debug lib /Yu[file] use .PCH file /Y- disable all PCH options /Zm max memory alloc (% of default) /FS force to use MSPDBSRV.EXE /source-charset:|.nnnn set source character set /execution-charset:|.nnnn set execution character set /utf-8 set source and execution character set to UTF-8 /validate-charset[-] validate UTF-8 files for only legal characters /fastfail[-] enable fast-fail mode /JMC[-] enable native just my code /presetPadding[-] zero initialize padding for stack based class types /volatileMetadata[-] generate metadata on volatile memory accesses -LINKING- /LD Create .DLL /LDd Create .DLL debug library /LN Create a .netmodule /F set stack size /link [linker options and libraries] /MD link with MSVCRT.LIB /MT link with LIBCMT.LIB /MDd link with MSVCRTD.LIB debug lib /MTd link with LIBCMTD.LIB debug lib -CODE ANALYSIS- /analyze[-] Enable native analysis /analyze:quiet[-] No warning to console /analyze:log Warnings to file /analyze:autolog Log to *.pftlog /analyze:autolog:ext Log to *./analyze:autolog- No log file /analyze:WX- Warnings not fatal /analyze:stacksize Max stack frame /analyze:max_paths Max paths /analyze:only Analyze, no code gen -DIAGNOSTICS- /diagnostics: controls the format of diagnostic messages: classic - retains prior format column[-] - prints column information caret[-] - prints column and the indicated line of source /Wall enable all warnings /w disable all warnings /W set warning level (default n=1) /Wv:xx[.yy[.zzzzz]] disable warnings introduced after version xx.yy.zzzzz /WX treat warnings as errors /WL enable one line diagnostics /wd disable warning n /we treat warning n as an error /wo issue warning n once /w set warning level 1-4 for n /external:I - location of external headers /external:env: - environment variable with locations of external headers /external:anglebrackets - treat all headers included via <> as external /external:W - warning level for external headers /external:templates[-] - evaluate warning level across template instantiation chain /sdl enable additional security features and warnings ----------- stderr: Microsoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 19.29.30154 for x64 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. ----------- Sanity testing C compiler: cl Is cross compiler: False. Sanity check compiler command line: cl sanitycheckc.c /Fesanitycheckc.exe /MD /nologo /showIncludes /utf-8 /link Sanity check compile stdout: sanitycheckc.c ----- Sanity check compile stderr: ----- Running test binary command: D:\Jenkins\workspace\workspace\Postgres-9.4\PostgreSQL\postgres-Source\buildPostgreSQL_wx6_17.0\postgresql-17.0\build\meson-private\sanitycheckc.exe C compiler for the host machine: cl (msvc 19.29.30154 "Microsoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 19.29.30154 for x64") C linker for the host machine: link link 14.29.30154.0 ----------- Detecting archiver via: `lib /?` -> 1100 stdout: Microsoft (R) Library Manager Version 14.29.30154.0 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. usage: LIB [options] [files] options: /DEF[:filename] /ERRORREPORT:{NONE|PROMPT|QUEUE|SEND} /EXPORT:symbol /EXTRACT:membername /INCLUDE:symbol /LIBPATH:dir /LINKREPRO:dir /LINKREPROTARGET:filename /LIST[:filename] /LTCG /MACHINE:{ARM|ARM64|ARM64EC|EBC|X64|X86} /NAME:filename /NODEFAULTLIB[:library] /NOLOGO /OUT:filename /REMOVE:membername /SUBSYSTEM:{BOOT_APPLICATION|CONSOLE|EFI_APPLICATION| EFI_BOOT_SERVICE_DRIVER|EFI_ROM|EFI_RUNTIME_DRIVER| NATIVE|POSIX|WINDOWS|WINDOWSCE}[,#[.##]] /VERBOSE /WX[:NO] ----------- ----------- Detecting compiler via: `icl ""` -> [WinError 2] The system cannot find the file specified ----------- Detecting compiler via: `cl /?` -> 0 stdout: C/C++ COMPILER OPTIONS -OPTIMIZATION- /O1 maximum optimizations (favor space) /O2 maximum optimizations (favor speed) /Ob inline expansion (default n=0) /Od disable optimizations (default) /Og enable global optimization /Oi[-] enable intrinsic functions /Os favor code space /Ot favor code speed /Ox optimizations (favor speed) /favor: select processor to optimize for, one of: blend - a combination of optimizations for several different x64 processors AMD64 - 64-bit AMD processors INTEL64 - Intel(R)64 architecture processors ATOM - Intel(R) Atom(TM) processors -CODE GENERATION- /Gu[-] ensure distinct functions have distinct addresses /Gw[-] separate global variables for linker /GF enable read-only string pooling /Gm[-] enable minimal rebuild /Gy[-] separate functions for linker /GS[-] enable security checks /GR[-] enable C++ RTTI /GX[-] enable C++ EH (same as /EHsc) /guard:cf[-] enable CFG (control flow guard) /guard:ehcont[-] enable EH continuation metadata (CET) /EHs enable C++ EH (no SEH exceptions) /EHa enable C++ EH (w/ SEH exceptions) /EHc extern "C" defaults to nothrow /EHr always generate noexcept runtime termination checks /fp: choose floating-point model: except[-] - consider floating-point exceptions when generating code fast - "fast" floating-point model; results are less predictable precise - "precise" floating-point model; results are predictable strict - "strict" floating-point model (implies /fp:except) /Qfast_transcendentals generate inline FP intrinsics even with /fp:except /Qspectre[-] enable mitigations for CVE 2017-5753 /Qpar[-] enable parallel code generation /Qpar-report:1 auto-parallelizer diagnostic; indicate parallelized loops /Qpar-report:2 auto-parallelizer diagnostic; indicate loops not parallelized /Qvec-report:1 auto-vectorizer diagnostic; indicate vectorized loops /Qvec-report:2 auto-vectorizer diagnostic; indicate loops not vectorized /GL[-] enable link-time code generation /volatile: choose volatile model: iso - Acquire/release semantics not guaranteed on volatile accesses ms - Acquire/release semantics guaranteed on volatile accesses /GA optimize for Windows Application /Ge force stack checking for all funcs /Gs[num] control stack checking calls /Gh enable _penter function call /GH enable _pexit function call /GT generate fiber-safe TLS accesses /RTC1 Enable fast checks (/RTCsu) /RTCc Convert to smaller type checks /RTCs Stack Frame runtime checking /RTCu Uninitialized local usage checks /clr[:option] compile for common language runtime, where option is: pure : produce IL-only output file (no native executable code) safe : produce IL-only verifiable output file netcore : produce assemblies targeting .NET Core runtime noAssembly : do not produce an assembly nostdlib : ignore the system .NET framework directory when searching for assemblies nostdimport : do not import any required assemblies implicitly initialAppDomain : enable initial AppDomain behavior of Visual C++ 2002 implicitKeepAlive- : turn off implicit emission of System::GC::KeepAlive(this) /fsanitize=address Enable address sanitizer codegen /homeparams Force parameters passed in registers to be written to the stack /GZ Enable stack checks (/RTCs) /Gv __vectorcall calling convention /arch: minimum CPU architecture requirements, one of: AVX - enable use of instructions available with AVX-enabled CPUs AVX2 - enable use of instructions available with AVX2-enabled CPUs AVX512 - enable use of instructions available with AVX-512-enabled CPUs /QIntel-jcc-erratum enable mitigations for Intel JCC erratum /Qspectre-load Enable spectre mitigations for all instructions which load memory /Qspectre-load-cf Enable spectre mitigations for all control-flow instructions which load memory /fpcvt: FP to unsigned integer conversion compatibility IA - results compatible with VCVTTSD2USI instruction BC - results compatible with VS2017 and earlier compiler -OUTPUT FILES- /Fa[file] name assembly listing file /FA[scu] configure assembly listing /Fd[file] name .PDB file /Fe name executable file /Fm[file] name map file /Fo name object file /Fp name precompiled header file /Fr[file] name source browser file /FR[file] name extended .SBR file /Fi[file] name preprocessed file /Fd: name .PDB file /Fe: name executable file /Fm: name map file /Fo: name object file /Fp: name .PCH file /FR: name extended .SBR file /Fi: name preprocessed file /Ft location of the header files generated for #import /doc[file] process XML documentation comments and optionally name the .xdc file -PREPROCESSOR- /AI add to assembly search path /FU forced using assembly/module /C don't strip comments /D{=|#} define macro /E preprocess to stdout /EP preprocess to stdout, no #line /P preprocess to file /Fx merge injected code to file /FI name forced include file /U remove predefined macro /u remove all predefined macros /I add to include search path /X ignore "standard places" /PH generate #pragma file_hash when preprocessing /PD print all macro definitions -LANGUAGE- /std: C++ standard version c++14 - ISO/IEC 14882:2014 (default) c++17 - ISO/IEC 14882:2017 c++latest - latest draft standard (feature set subject to change) /permissive[-] enable some nonconforming code to compile (feature set subject to change) (on by default) /Ze enable extensions (default) /Za disable extensions /ZW enable WinRT language extensions /Zs syntax check only /Zc:arg1[,arg2] C++ language conformance, where arguments can be: forScope[-] enforce Standard C++ for scoping rules wchar_t[-] wchar_t is the native type, not a typedef auto[-] enforce the new Standard C++ meaning for auto trigraphs[-] enable trigraphs (off by default) rvalueCast[-] enforce Standard C++ explicit type conversion rules strictStrings[-] disable string-literal to [char|wchar_t]* conversion (off by default) implicitNoexcept[-] enable implicit noexcept on required functions threadSafeInit[-] enable thread-safe local static initialization inline[-] remove unreferenced function or data if it is COMDAT or has internal linkage only (off by default) sizedDealloc[-] enable C++14 global sized deallocation functions (on by default) throwingNew[-] assume operator new throws on failure (off by default) referenceBinding[-] a temporary will not bind to an non-const lvalue reference (off by default) twoPhase- disable two-phase name lookup ternary[-] enforce C++11 rules for conditional operator (off by default) noexceptTypes[-] enforce C++17 noexcept rules (on by default in C++17 or later) alignedNew[-] enable C++17 alignment of dynamically allocated objects (on by default) hiddenFriend[-] enforce Standard C++ hidden friend rules (implied by /permissive-) externC[-] enforce Standard C++ rules for 'extern "C"' functions (implied by /permissive-) lambda[-] better lambda support by using the newer lambda processor (off by default) tlsGuards[-] generate runtime checks for TLS variable initialization (on by default) zeroSizeArrayNew[-] call member new/delete for 0-size arrays of objects (on by default) /await enable resumable functions extension /await:strict enable standard C++20 coroutine support with earlier language versions /constexpr:depth recursion depth limit for constexpr evaluation (default: 512) /constexpr:backtrace show N constexpr evaluations in diagnostics (default: 10) /constexpr:steps terminate constexpr evaluation after N steps (default: 100000) /Zi enable debugging information /Z7 enable old-style debug info /Zo[-] generate richer debugging information for optimized code (on by default) /ZH:[MD5|SHA1|SHA_256] hash algorithm for calculation of file checksum in debug info (default: MD5) /Zp[n] pack structs on n-byte boundary /Zl omit default library name in .OBJ /vd{0|1|2} disable/enable vtordisp /vm type of pointers to members /std: C standard version c11 - ISO/IEC 9899:2011 c17 - ISO/IEC 9899:2018 /ZI enable Edit and Continue debug info /openmp enable OpenMP 2.0 language extensions /openmp:experimental enable OpenMP 2.0 language extensions plus select OpenMP 3.0+ language extensions /openmp:llvm OpenMP language extensions using LLVM runtime -MISCELLANEOUS- @ options response file /?, /help print this help message /bigobj generate extended object format /c compile only, no link /errorReport:option deprecated. Report internal compiler errors to Microsoft none - do not send report prompt - prompt to immediately send report queue - at next admin logon, prompt to send report (default) send - send report automatically /FC use full pathnames in diagnostics /H max external name length /J default char type is unsigned /MP[n] use up to 'n' processes for compilation /nologo suppress copyright message /showIncludes show include file names /Tc compile file as .c /Tp compile file as .cpp /TC compile all files as .c /TP compile all files as .cpp /V set version string /Yc[file] create .PCH file /Yd put debug info in every .OBJ /Yl[sym] inject .PCH ref for debug lib /Yu[file] use .PCH file /Y- disable all PCH options /Zm max memory alloc (% of default) /FS force to use MSPDBSRV.EXE /source-charset:|.nnnn set source character set /execution-charset:|.nnnn set execution character set /utf-8 set source and execution character set to UTF-8 /validate-charset[-] validate UTF-8 files for only legal characters /fastfail[-] enable fast-fail mode /JMC[-] enable native just my code /presetPadding[-] zero initialize padding for stack based class types /volatileMetadata[-] generate metadata on volatile memory accesses -LINKING- /LD Create .DLL /LDd Create .DLL debug library /LN Create a .netmodule /F set stack size /link [linker options and libraries] /MD link with MSVCRT.LIB /MT link with LIBCMT.LIB /MDd link with MSVCRTD.LIB debug lib /MTd link with LIBCMTD.LIB debug lib -CODE ANALYSIS- /analyze[-] Enable native analysis /analyze:quiet[-] No warning to console /analyze:log Warnings to file /analyze:autolog Log to *.pftlog /analyze:autolog:ext Log to *./analyze:autolog- No log file /analyze:WX- Warnings not fatal /analyze:stacksize Max stack frame /analyze:max_paths Max paths /analyze:only Analyze, no code gen -DIAGNOSTICS- /diagnostics: controls the format of diagnostic messages: classic - retains prior format column[-] - prints column information caret[-] - prints column and the indicated line of source /Wall enable all warnings /w disable all warnings /W set warning level (default n=1) /Wv:xx[.yy[.zzzzz]] disable warnings introduced after version xx.yy.zzzzz /WX treat warnings as errors /WL enable one line diagnostics /wd disable warning n /we treat warning n as an error /wo issue warning n once /w set warning level 1-4 for n /external:I - location of external headers /external:env: - environment variable with locations of external headers /external:anglebrackets - treat all headers included via <> as external /external:W - warning level for external headers /external:templates[-] - evaluate warning level across template instantiation chain /sdl enable additional security features and warnings ----------- stderr: Microsoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 19.29.30154 for x64 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. ----------- Sanity testing C compiler: cl Is cross compiler: False. Sanity check compiler command line: cl sanitycheckc.c /Fesanitycheckc.exe /MD /nologo /showIncludes /utf-8 /link Sanity check compile stdout: sanitycheckc.c ----- Sanity check compile stderr: ----- Running test binary command: D:\Jenkins\workspace\workspace\Postgres-9.4\PostgreSQL\postgres-Source\buildPostgreSQL_wx6_17.0\postgresql-17.0\build\meson-private\sanitycheckc.exe C compiler for the build machine: cl (msvc 19.29.30154 "Microsoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 19.29.30154 for x64") C linker for the build machine: link link 14.29.30154.0 ----------- Detecting archiver via: `lib /?` -> 1100 stdout: Microsoft (R) Library Manager Version 14.29.30154.0 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. usage: LIB [options] [files] options: /DEF[:filename] /ERRORREPORT:{NONE|PROMPT|QUEUE|SEND} /EXPORT:symbol /EXTRACT:membername /INCLUDE:symbol /LIBPATH:dir /LINKREPRO:dir /LINKREPROTARGET:filename /LIST[:filename] /LTCG /MACHINE:{ARM|ARM64|ARM64EC|EBC|X64|X86} /NAME:filename /NODEFAULTLIB[:library] /NOLOGO /OUT:filename /REMOVE:membername /SUBSYSTEM:{BOOT_APPLICATION|CONSOLE|EFI_APPLICATION| EFI_BOOT_SERVICE_DRIVER|EFI_ROM|EFI_RUNTIME_DRIVER| NATIVE|POSIX|WINDOWS|WINDOWSCE}[,#[.##]] /VERBOSE /WX[:NO] ----------- Build machine cpu family: x86_64 Build machine cpu: x86_64 Host machine cpu family: x86_64 Host machine cpu: x86_64 Target machine cpu family: x86_64 Target machine cpu: x86_64 Run-time dependency threads found: YES Running compile: Working directory: D:\Jenkins\workspace\workspace\Postgres-9.4\PostgreSQL\postgres-Source\buildPostgreSQL_wx6_17.0\postgresql-17.0\build\meson-private\tmputhrfuv_ Code: int main(void) { return 0; } ----------- Command line: `cl D:\Jenkins\workspace\workspace\Postgres-9.4\PostgreSQL\postgres-Source\buildPostgreSQL_wx6_17.0\postgresql-17.0\build\meson-private\tmputhrfuv_\testfile.c /FeD:\Jenkins\workspace\workspace\Postgres-9.4\PostgreSQL\postgres-Source\buildPostgreSQL_wx6_17.0\postgresql-17.0\build\meson-private\tmputhrfuv_\output.exe /nologo /showIncludes /utf-8 /MD /nologo /showIncludes /utf-8 /Od /Oi- ws2_32.lib /link /release /nologo` -> 0 stdout: testfile.c ----------- Library ws2_32 found: YES Running compile: Working directory: D:\Jenkins\workspace\workspace\Postgres-9.4\PostgreSQL\postgres-Source\buildPostgreSQL_wx6_17.0\postgresql-17.0\build\meson-private\tmpiunowdcq Code: int main(void) { return 0; } ----------- Command line: `cl D:\Jenkins\workspace\workspace\Postgres-9.4\PostgreSQL\postgres-Source\buildPostgreSQL_wx6_17.0\postgresql-17.0\build\meson-private\tmpiunowdcq\testfile.c /FeD:\Jenkins\workspace\workspace\Postgres-9.4\PostgreSQL\postgres-Source\buildPostgreSQL_wx6_17.0\postgresql-17.0\build\meson-private\tmpiunowdcq\output.exe /nologo /showIncludes /utf-8 /MD /nologo /showIncludes /utf-8 /Od /Oi- secur32.lib /link /release /nologo` -> 0 stdout: testfile.c ----------- Library secur32 found: YES Program perl found: YES (C:\Strawberry\perl\bin\perl.EXE) Program python3 found: YES (C:\Program Files\Python38\python3.EXE) Running command: C:\GnuWin32\bin\flex.EXE --version --- stdout --- flex 2.5.35 --- stderr --- Program flex found: YES 2.5.35 2.5.35 (C:\GnuWin32\bin\flex.EXE) Running command: C:\GnuWin32\bin\bison.EXE --version --- stdout --- bison (GNU Bison) 2.4.1 Written by Robert Corbett and Richard Stallman. Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. --- stderr --- Program bison found: YES 2.4.1 2.4.1 (C:\GnuWin32\bin\bison.EXE) Program sed found: YES (C:\GnuWin32\bin\sed.EXE) Program prove found: YES (C:\Strawberry\perl\bin\prove.BAT) Program tar found: YES (C:\Windows\system32\tar.EXE) Program gzip found: NO Program lz4 found: NO Program openssl found: NO Program zstd found: NO Program dtrace skipped: feature dtrace disabled Program config/missing found: YES (sh D:\Jenkins\workspace\workspace\Postgres-9.4\PostgreSQL\postgres-Source\buildPostgreSQL_wx6_17.0\postgresql-17.0\config/missing) Program cp found: NO Program xmllint found: NO Program xsltproc found: NO Running command: C:\GnuWin32\bin\bison.EXE --version --- stdout --- bison (GNU Bison) 2.4.1 Written by Robert Corbett and Richard Stallman. Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. --- stderr --- Running command: C:\GnuWin32\bin\flex.EXE --version --- stdout --- flex 2.5.35 --- stderr --- Program wget found: NO Running command: "C:\Program Files\Python38\python3.EXE" src/tools/find_meson --- stdout --- meson C:\Python\Python310\python.exe D:\Jenkins\workspace\workspace\Postgres-9.4\meson-1.6.0\ --- stderr --- Program C:\Python\Python310\python.exe found: YES (C:\Python\Python310\python.exe) Check usable header "bsd_auth.h" skipped: feature bsd_auth disabled Check usable header "dns_sd.h" skipped: feature bonjour disabled Program fop found: NO Compiler for language cpp skipped: feature llvm disabled Pkg-config binary missing from cross or native file, or env var undefined. Trying a default Pkg-config fallback at pkg-config Found pkg-config 'C:\\Strawberry\\perl\\bin\\pkg-config.BAT' but it is Strawberry Perl and thus broken. Ignoring... Found pkg-config: NO Pkg-config for machine host machine not found. Giving up. CMake binary for host machine is not cached CMake binary missing from cross or native file, or env var undefined. Trying a default CMake fallback at cmake Found CMake: C:\Program Files\CMake\bin\cmake.EXE (3.29.0) Extracting basic cmake information CMake Toolchain: Calling CMake once to generate the compiler state Calling CMake (['C:\\Program Files\\CMake\\bin\\cmake.EXE']) in D:\Jenkins\workspace\workspace\Postgres-9.4\PostgreSQL\postgres-Source\buildPostgreSQL_wx6_17.0\postgresql-17.0\build\meson-private\__CMake_compiler_info__ with: - "--trace-expand" - "--trace-format=json-v1" - "--no-warn-unused-cli" - "--trace-redirect=cmake_trace.txt" - "-G" - "Ninja" - "-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=D:/Jenkins/workspace/workspace/Postgres-9.4/PostgreSQL/postgres-Source/buildPostgreSQL_wx6_17.0/postgresql-17.0/build/meson-private/__CMake_compiler_info__/CMakeMesonTempToolchainFile.cmake" - "." CMake trace warning: add_executable() non imported executables are not supported CMake TRACE: D:\Jenkins\workspace\workspace\Postgres-9.4\PostgreSQL\postgres-Source\buildPostgreSQL_wx6_17.0\postgresql-17.0\build\meson-private\__CMake_compiler_info__\CMakeFiles\CMakeScratch\TryCompile-fhq9wr\CMakeLists.txt:23 add_executable(['cmTC_ebead']) CMake trace warning: target_link_libraries() TARGET cmTC_ebead not found CMake TRACE: D:\Jenkins\workspace\workspace\Postgres-9.4\PostgreSQL\postgres-Source\buildPostgreSQL_wx6_17.0\postgresql-17.0\build\meson-private\__CMake_compiler_info__\CMakeFiles\CMakeScratch\TryCompile-fhq9wr\CMakeLists.txt:29 target_link_libraries(['cmTC_ebead', '']) Try CMake generator: auto Calling CMake (['C:\\Program Files\\CMake\\bin\\cmake.EXE']) in D:\Jenkins\workspace\workspace\Postgres-9.4\PostgreSQL\postgres-Source\buildPostgreSQL_wx6_17.0\postgresql-17.0\build\meson-private\cmake_readline with: - "--trace-expand" - "--trace-format=json-v1" - "--no-warn-unused-cli" - "--trace-redirect=cmake_trace.txt" - "-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=D:/Jenkins/workspace/workspace/Postgres-9.4/PostgreSQL/postgres-Source/buildPostgreSQL_wx6_17.0/postgresql-17.0/build/meson-private/cmake_readline/CMakeMesonToolchainFile.cmake" - "." -- Module search paths: ['C:/Program Files', 'C:/Program Files (x86)', 'C:/Program Files/CMake'] -- CMake root: C:/Program Files/CMake/share/cmake-3.29 -- CMake architectures: [] -- CMake lib search paths: ['lib', 'lib32', 'lib64', 'libx32', 'share', ''] Preliminary CMake check failed. Aborting. Run-time dependency readline found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake) Running compile: Working directory: D:\Jenkins\workspace\workspace\Postgres-9.4\PostgreSQL\postgres-Source\buildPostgreSQL_wx6_17.0\postgresql-17.0\build\meson-private\tmpbvjlkshl Code: #include #include int main(void) { printf("%ld\n", (long)(sizeof(void *))); return 0; } ----------- Command line: `cl D:\Jenkins\workspace\workspace\Postgres-9.4\PostgreSQL\postgres-Source\buildPostgreSQL_wx6_17.0\postgresql-17.0\build\meson-private\tmpbvjlkshl\testfile.c /FeD:\Jenkins\workspace\workspace\Postgres-9.4\PostgreSQL\postgres-Source\buildPostgreSQL_wx6_17.0\postgresql-17.0\build\meson-private\tmpbvjlkshl\output.exe /nologo /showIncludes /utf-8 /MD /nologo /showIncludes /utf-8 /Od /Oi-` -> 0 stdout: testfile.c Note: including file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\include\10.0.19041.0\ucrt\stddef.h Note: including file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\include\10.0.19041.0\ucrt\corecrt.h Note: including file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.29.30133\include\vcruntime.h Note: including file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.29.30133\include\sal.h Note: including file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.29.30133\include\concurrencysal.h Note: including file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.29.30133\include\vadefs.h Note: including file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\include\10.0.19041.0\ucrt\stdio.h Note: including file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\include\10.0.19041.0\ucrt\corecrt_wstdio.h Note: including file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\include\10.0.19041.0\ucrt\corecrt_stdio_config.h ----------- Program stdout: 8 Program stderr: Library readline found: NO Pkg-config for machine host machine not found. Giving up. CMake binary for host machine is cached. Preliminary CMake check failed. Aborting. Run-time dependency libedit found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake) Library libedit found: NO Dependency libselinux skipped: feature selinux disabled Dependency libsystemd skipped: feature systemd disabled Pkg-config for machine host machine not found. Giving up. Running compile: Working directory: D:\Jenkins\workspace\workspace\Postgres-9.4\PostgreSQL\postgres-Source\buildPostgreSQL_wx6_17.0\postgresql-17.0\build\meson-private\tmpdf1slavx Code: #ifdef __has_include #if !__has_include("openssl/ssl.h") #error "Header 'openssl/ssl.h' could not be found" #endif #else #include #endif ----------- Command line: `cl D:\Jenkins\workspace\workspace\Postgres-9.4\PostgreSQL\postgres-Source\buildPostgreSQL_wx6_17.0\postgresql-17.0\build\meson-private\tmpdf1slavx\testfile.c /nologo /showIncludes /utf-8 /EP /nologo /showIncludes /utf-8 /EP /Od /Oi-` -> 2 stderr: testfile.c D:\Jenkins\workspace\workspace\Postgres-9.4\PostgreSQL\postgres-Source\buildPostgreSQL_wx6_17.0\postgresql-17.0\build\meson-private\tmpdf1slavx\testfile.c(4): fatal error C1189: #error: "Header 'openssl/ssl.h' could not be found" ----------- CMake binary for host machine is cached. Determining dependency 'OpenSSL' with CMake executable 'C:\\Program Files\\CMake\\bin\\cmake.EXE' Try CMake generator: auto Calling CMake (['C:\\Program Files\\CMake\\bin\\cmake.EXE']) in D:\Jenkins\workspace\workspace\Postgres-9.4\PostgreSQL\postgres-Source\buildPostgreSQL_wx6_17.0\postgresql-17.0\build\meson-private\cmake_OpenSSL with: - "-DNAME=OpenSSL" - "-DARCHS=" - "-DVERSION=" - "-DCOMPS=" - "-DSTATIC=OFF" - "--trace-expand" - "--trace-format=json-v1" - "--no-warn-unused-cli" - "--trace-redirect=cmake_trace.txt" - "-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=D:/Jenkins/workspace/workspace/Postgres-9.4/PostgreSQL/postgres-Source/buildPostgreSQL_wx6_17.0/postgresql-17.0/build/meson-private/cmake_OpenSSL/CMakeMesonToolchainFile.cmake" - "." Run-time dependency openssl found: NO (tried pkgconfig, system and cmake) Running compile: Working directory: D:\Jenkins\workspace\workspace\Postgres-9.4\PostgreSQL\postgres-Source\buildPostgreSQL_wx6_17.0\postgresql-17.0\build\meson-private\tmpdessvcno Code: #ifdef __has_include #if !__has_include("openssl/ssl.h") #error "Header 'openssl/ssl.h' could not be found" #endif #else #include #endif ----------- Command line: `cl -ID:\Jenkins\workspace\workspace\Postgres-9.4\PostgreSQL\postgres-Source\buildPostgreSQL_wx6_17.0\postgresql-17.0\src/include -ID:\Jenkins\workspace\workspace\Postgres-9.4\PostgreSQL\postgres-Source\buildPostgreSQL_wx6_17.0\postgresql-17.0\build\src/include -ID:\Jenkins\workspace\workspace\Postgres-9.4\OpenSSL\OpenSSL-Install\OpenSSL-3.1.6-wx6\include\openssl -ID:\Jenkins\workspace\workspace\Postgres-9.4\PostgreSQL\postgres-Source\buildPostgreSQL_wx6_17.0\postgresql-17.0\src/include/port/win32 -ID:\Jenkins\workspace\workspace\Postgres-9.4\PostgreSQL\postgres-Source\buildPostgreSQL_wx6_17.0\postgresql-17.0\build\src/include/port/win32 -ID:\Jenkins\workspace\workspace\Postgres-9.4\PostgreSQL\postgres-Source\buildPostgreSQL_wx6_17.0\postgresql-17.0\src/include/port/win32_msvc -ID:\Jenkins\workspace\workspace\Postgres-9.4\PostgreSQL\postgres-Source\buildPostgreSQL_wx6_17.0\postgresql-17.0\build\src/include/port/win32_msvc D:\Jenkins\workspace\workspace\Postgres-9.4\PostgreSQL\postgres-Source\buildPostgreSQL_wx6_17.0\postgresql-17.0\build\meson-private\tmpdessvcno\testfile.c /nologo /showIncludes /utf-8 /EP /nologo /showIncludes /utf-8 /EP /Od /Oi-` -> 2 stderr: testfile.c D:\Jenkins\workspace\workspace\Postgres-9.4\PostgreSQL\postgres-Source\buildPostgreSQL_wx6_17.0\postgresql-17.0\build\meson-private\tmpdessvcno\testfile.c(4): fatal error C1189: #error: "Header 'openssl/ssl.h' could not be found" ----------- ERROR: C header 'openssl/ssl.h' not found