I am very new to ADODB, ODBC and SQL databases.
When I run the following which I wrote to populate tables (with data
from a Borland V database) , the Visual Basic Developer Interface
crashes with the following error signature (Windows XP):
AppName: vb6.exe AppVer: ModName: psqlodbc30a.dll
ModVer: Offset: 00016edc
Dim dbOut As ADODB.Connection
Dim rsOut As ADODB.Recordset
Set dbOut = New ADODB.Connection
Set rsOut = New ADODB.Recordset
With dbOut
.ConnectionString = "Driver={PostgreSQL
With rsOut
rsOut.Open """Contact1""", dbOut, adOpenDynamic,
adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable
For Each fld In .Fields
Debug.Print fld.name, fld.Type
Select Case fld.Type
Case 3 'integer (oid)
Case 200, 202 'Memo -- Text (ANSI: 200,
Unicode: 202)
fld.value = "Memo type text"
Case 133 'Date
fld.value = Date
Case Else
fld.value =
End Select
Next fld
'Exit Loop code here
End With
End With
Set dbOut = Nothing
Set rsOut = Nothing
Note: I had to add a "oid" column to the table or the rsOut.Open would
fail with "ERROR: column "oid" does not exist;".
It now crashes at the .Update statement.
Previously it managed to add 2 rows to the table.
Another oddity is when using the VB Visual Data Manager add-in to view
the database it will not list the Indexes for the Contact1 table.
It will list the Indexes for the Contact2 table which is not populated
nor been worked with.
Any suggestions on how proceed?
Do I have to configure the PostgreSQL ANSI driver somehow? If so, how?
Finn Lassen
Deputy CIO
1805 Drew Street
Clearwater, Florida 33765
727-442-7774 voice
727-442-8344 fax