$ psql -p 5416 -a -f test.sql \setenv PSQL_EDITOR 'vim' \setenv PSQL_EDITOR_LINENUMBER_ARG '+' \set ON_ERROR_ROLLBACK 'interactive' \set ON_ERROR_STOP 'on' --\set SHOW_CONTEXT 'always' \set PROMPT1 '%[%033[38;5;'`echo $PROMPT_COLOR`'m%]%x%n@%m:%>/%/\n%R%# %[%033[m%]' \set PROMPT2 '%[%033[38;5;'`echo $PROMPT_COLOR`'m%]%R%# %[%033[m%]' BEGIN; BEGIN CREATE TABLE parent ( id int primary key ) PARTITION BY RANGE (id); CREATE TABLE CREATE TABLE parent_0 PARTITION OF parent FOR VALUES FROM (0) TO (100); CREATE TABLE CREATE TABLE children ( id int primary key references parent(id) ) PARTITION BY RANGE (id); CREATE TABLE CREATE TABLE children_0 PARTITION OF children FOR VALUES FROM (0) TO (100); CREATE TABLE DROP TABLE children_0; DROP TABLE DROP TABLE parent_0; psql:test.sql:15: ERROR: cannot drop table parent_0 because other objects depend on it DETAIL: constraint children_id_fkey on table children depends on table parent_0 HINT: Use DROP ... CASCADE to drop the dependent objects too. Looked like a bug.