with cte_2 AS (select distinct case when true then ((case when false then (ref_14.c_1) else (ref_14.c_1) end ) & (case when true then (ref_14.c_1) else (ref_14.c_1) end )) else ((ref_14.c_1) << (ref_14.c_1)) end as c_0, case when ((((ref_14.c_2) is not null) or (not ((ref_14.c_2) is not null))) or (((ref_14.c_2) is not null) is null)) then (ref_14.c_2) else (case when ((((((ref_14.c_6) in (select ref_14.c_4 as c_0 from t3 as ref_81 where null::bool window w0 as (partition by ref_14.c_4 order by ref_14.c_0 desc, ref_14.c_1 desc, ref_14.c_2 desc, ref_14.c_3 asc, ref_14.c_4 desc, ref_14.c_5 asc, ref_14.c_6 desc, ref_81.c_0 desc, ref_81.c_1 desc, ref_81.c_2 desc, ref_81.c_3 desc, ref_81.c_4 desc, ref_81.c_5 desc, ref_81.c_6 asc, ref_81.c_7 asc, ref_81.c_8 desc, ref_81.c_9 desc, ref_81.c_10 asc, ref_81.c_11 desc, ref_81.c_12 asc, ref_81.c_13 desc, ref_81.c_14 desc, ref_81.c_15 desc, ref_81.c_16 desc, ref_81.c_17 asc, ref_81.c_18 desc, ref_81.c_19 desc, ref_81.c_20 asc, ref_81.c_21 asc) order by c_0 desc)) or ((null::bool) or (null::bool))) or ((ref_14.c_1) < (ref_14.c_1))) or ((']da') > (ref_14.c_2))) and (not ((null::bool) and ((ref_14.c_2) not like 'H_b')))) then (case when ((ref_14.c_1) is not null) then (ref_14.c_2) else (ref_14.c_2) end ) else (ref_14.c_3) end ) end as c_1, case when ((((ref_14.c_1) between (ref_14.c_1) and (ref_14.c_1)) and (not ((ref_14.c_1) between (ref_14.c_1) and (ref_14.c_1)))) and (((ref_14.c_1) between (ref_14.c_1) and (ref_14.c_1)) is not null)) then (case when (null::bool) then (ref_14.c_1) else (nullif(ref_14.c_1, 0)) end ) else (ref_14.c_1) end as c_2, case when false then (ref_14.c_0) else (ref_14.c_4) end as c_3, case when true then (ref_14.c_5) else ((ref_14.c_3) <= (ref_14.c_3)) end as c_4, case when false then (ref_14.c_1) else (null::int4) end as c_5, case when true then (ref_14.c_5) else (((ref_14.c_4) is null) and ((pg_catalog.btrim(ref_14.c_3, ref_14.c_3)) ~~* (ref_14.c_3))) end as c_6, case when false then ((pg_catalog.timestamp(null::timestamp, ref_14.c_1)) <> (pg_catalog.timestamp_smaller(make_timestamp(2029, 11, 19, 20, 38, 38), make_timestamp(2029, 3, 7, 10, 28, 28)))) else (ref_14.c_5) end as c_7, case when false then (ref_14.c_6) else (ref_14.c_4) end as c_8, case when false then ((coalesce(ref_14.c_2, pg_catalog.rpad(ref_14.c_3, ref_14.c_1, ref_14.c_3))) not like '_%_') else ((case when true then (case when (((case when (((false::bool) or (not (false::bool))) or ((false::bool) is null)) then (ref_14.c_2) else (ref_14.c_2) end ) not like 'Rn/')) then (case when (((false::bool) and (not (false::bool))) and ((false::bool) is not null)) then (ref_14.c_2) else (null::text) end ) else (case when ((((ref_14.c_3) > (ref_14.c_3)) and (not ((ref_14.c_3) > (ref_14.c_3)))) and (((ref_14.c_3) > (ref_14.c_3)) is not null)) then (ref_14.c_3) else (ref_14.c_2) end ) end ) else (ref_14.c_2) end ) ~* (case when (((true::bool) and (not (true::bool))) and ((true::bool) is not null)) then (ref_14.c_2) else (ref_14.c_3) end )) end as c_9 from t4 as ref_14 ), cte_3 AS (select case when true then (subq_1.c_0) else (subq_1.c_9) end as c_0, case when true then (case when (((case when true then (case when ((((case when true then (subq_1.c_3) else (subq_1.c_9) end ) >= (case when false then (17) else (-25) end )) and ((case when true then (subq_1.c_3) else (subq_1.c_9) end ) <= (case when ((((subq_1.c_5) not like '_>_') and (not ((subq_1.c_5) not like '_>_'))) and (((subq_1.c_5) not like '_>_') is not null)) then (subq_1.c_3) else (subq_1.c_3) end )))) then (case when ((((((subq_1.c_9) between (subq_1.c_0) and (subq_1.c_0)) or (null::bool)) or ((subq_1.c_9) <> (subq_1.c_0))) or (not ((((subq_1.c_9) between (subq_1.c_0) and (subq_1.c_0)) or (null::bool)) or ((subq_1.c_9) <> (subq_1.c_0))))) or (((((subq_1.c_9) between (subq_1.c_0) and (subq_1.c_0)) or (null::bool)) or ((subq_1.c_9) <> (subq_1.c_0))) is null)) then (subq_1.c_6) else (subq_1.c_6) end ) else (case when (((null::bool) and (not (null::bool))) and ((null::bool) is not null)) then (subq_1.c_6) else (subq_1.c_1) end ) end ) else (case when ((((subq_1.c_1) not like 'Y.m') and ((null::bool) or (not ((subq_1.c_6) > (subq_1.c_5))))) or ((subq_1.c_5) <> (subq_1.c_5))) then (subq_1.c_1) else (subq_1.c_6) end ) end ) <> (case when ((((subq_1.c_9) > (subq_1.c_9)) or (not ((subq_1.c_9) > (subq_1.c_9)))) or (((subq_1.c_9) > (subq_1.c_9)) is null)) then (subq_1.c_5) else (subq_1.c_5) end ))) then (case when true then (case when ((not ((not (((((subq_1.c_9) between (subq_1.c_0) and (subq_1.c_3)) or (not ((subq_1.c_9) between (subq_1.c_0) and (subq_1.c_3)))) or (((subq_1.c_9) between (subq_1.c_0) and (subq_1.c_3)) is null)) and ((case when (((((subq_1.c_0) > (subq_1.c_0)) or (null::bool)) and (not (((subq_1.c_0) > (subq_1.c_0)) or (null::bool)))) and ((((subq_1.c_0) > (subq_1.c_0)) or (null::bool)) is not null)) then (subq_1.c_7) else (subq_1.c_4) end ) <> (case when (((((subq_1.c_2) is null) and ((subq_1.c_6) ~~* (subq_1.c_6))) or (not (((subq_1.c_2) is null) and ((subq_1.c_6) ~~* (subq_1.c_6))))) or ((((subq_1.c_2) is null) and ((subq_1.c_6) ~~* (subq_1.c_6))) is null)) then (subq_1.c_2) else (subq_1.c_7) end )))) and (not (((((make_timestamp(1996, 11, 24, 12, 12, 52)) <> (null::timestamp)) or (not ((make_timestamp(1996, 11, 24, 12, 12, 52)) <> (null::timestamp)))) or (((make_timestamp(1996, 11, 24, 12, 12, 52)) <> (null::timestamp)) is null)) and (not ((not ((((true::bool) and (not (true::bool))) and ((true::bool) is not null)) or (not (((((make_timestamp(2082, 8, 28, 23, 52, 10)) = (make_timestamp(2024, 11, 16, 2, 32, 7))) or (not ((make_timestamp(2082, 8, 28, 23, 52, 10)) = (make_timestamp(2024, 11, 16, 2, 32, 7))))) or (((make_timestamp(2082, 8, 28, 23, 52, 10)) = (make_timestamp(2024, 11, 16, 2, 32, 7))) is null)) and ((case when ((((0) is not null) and (not ((0) is not null))) and (((0) is not null) is not null)) then (subq_1.c_6) else (subq_1.c_6) end ) = (case when (((null::bool) or (not (null::bool))) or ((null::bool) is null)) then (subq_1.c_1) else (subq_1.c_1) end )))))) or (not (((((make_timestamp(2062, 4, 13, 16, 25, 40)) < (make_timestamp(2032, 5, 20, 12, 29, 54))) or (not ((make_timestamp(2062, 4, 13, 16, 25, 40)) < (make_timestamp(2032, 5, 20, 12, 29, 54))))) or (((make_timestamp(2062, 4, 13, 16, 25, 40)) < (make_timestamp(2032, 5, 20, 12, 29, 54))) is null)) and (((case when (((null::bool) and (not (null::bool))) and ((null::bool) is not null)) then (subq_1.c_3) else (subq_1.c_9) end ) >= (case when ((((exists ( select ref_104.vkey as c_0 from t1 as ref_104 where (subq_1.c_3) >= ( select ref_104.c5 as c_0 from t4 as ref_105 where (subq_1.c_5) > (ref_105.c_2) order by c_0 desc limit 1) intersect select subq_1.c_3 as c_0 from t5 as ref_106 where false::bool)) or (((subq_1.c_0) <= (subq_1.c_0)) and ((subq_1.c_5) not like '%%m'))) and (not ((exists ( select ref_104.vkey as c_0 from t1 as ref_104 where (subq_1.c_3) >= ( select ref_104.c5 as c_0 from t4 as ref_105 where (subq_1.c_5) > (ref_105.c_2) order by c_0 desc limit 1) intersect select subq_1.c_3 as c_0 from t5 as ref_106 where false::bool)) or (((subq_1.c_0) <= (subq_1.c_0)) and ((subq_1.c_5) not like '%%m'))))) and (((exists ( select ref_104.vkey as c_0 from t1 as ref_104 where (subq_1.c_3) >= ( select ref_104.c5 as c_0 from t4 as ref_105 where (subq_1.c_5) > (ref_105.c_2) order by c_0 desc limit 1) intersect select subq_1.c_3 as c_0 from t5 as ref_106 where false::bool)) or (((subq_1.c_0) <= (subq_1.c_0)) and ((subq_1.c_5) not like '%%m'))) is not null)) then (subq_1.c_9) else (subq_1.c_3) end )) and ((case when (((null::bool) and (not (null::bool))) and ((null::bool) is not null)) then (subq_1.c_3) else (subq_1.c_9) end ) <= (case when (((((subq_1.c_1) ~* (subq_1.c_6)) or (false::bool)) and (not (((subq_1.c_1) ~* (subq_1.c_6)) or (false::bool)))) and ((((subq_1.c_1) ~* (subq_1.c_6)) or (false::bool)) is not null)) then (subq_1.c_0) else (subq_1.c_9) end )))))))))))) then (case when (((not (((subq_1.c_1) ^@ (subq_1.c_6)) and ((subq_1.c_5) < (subq_1.c_5)))) and (not (not (((subq_1.c_1) ^@ (subq_1.c_6)) and ((subq_1.c_5) < (subq_1.c_5)))))) and ((not (((subq_1.c_1) ^@ (subq_1.c_6)) and ((subq_1.c_5) < (subq_1.c_5)))) is not null)) then (subq_1.c_5) else (subq_1.c_6) end ) else (case when (((not (false::bool)) and (not (not (false::bool)))) and ((not (false::bool)) is not null)) then (case when (false::bool) then (subq_1.c_1) else (subq_1.c_1) end ) else (subq_1.c_6) end ) end ) else ((subq_1.c_6) || (subq_1.c_5)) end ) else (case when ((((null::bool) or ((subq_1.c_6) ~* (subq_1.c_6))) and (not ((null::bool) or ((subq_1.c_6) ~* (subq_1.c_6))))) and (((null::bool) or ((subq_1.c_6) ~* (subq_1.c_6))) is not null)) then (subq_1.c_5) else (subq_1.c_1) end ) end ) else (case when (null::bool) then (subq_1.c_6) else (subq_1.c_6) end ) end as c_1 from (select case when ((((make_timestamp(2104, 11, 23, 14, 7, 42)) <> (make_timestamp(2106, 9, 20, 4, 43, 30))) or (not ((make_timestamp(2104, 11, 23, 14, 7, 42)) <> (make_timestamp(2106, 9, 20, 4, 43, 30))))) or (((make_timestamp(2104, 11, 23, 14, 7, 42)) <> (make_timestamp(2106, 9, 20, 4, 43, 30))) is null)) then (-0) else (ref_16.c_1) end as c_0, case when (((false::bool) or (not (false::bool))) or ((false::bool) is null)) then (ref_15.c_2) else (ref_15.c_3) end as c_1, case when ((((((ref_15.c_1) is null) or ((make_timestamp(2073, 8, 5, 19, 26, 3)) > (make_timestamp(2024, 11, 14, 6, 30, 27)))) or ((((make_timestamp(2100, 2, 12, 17, 12, 2)) = (make_timestamp(2037, 4, 6, 9, 26, 17))) and (((not ((null::text) >= (ref_16.c_2))) or (null::bool)) or (null::bool))) and (false::bool))) or (not ((((ref_15.c_1) is null) or ((make_timestamp(2073, 8, 5, 19, 26, 3)) > (make_timestamp(2024, 11, 14, 6, 30, 27)))) or ((((make_timestamp(2100, 2, 12, 17, 12, 2)) = (make_timestamp(2037, 4, 6, 9, 26, 17))) and (((not ((null::text) >= (ref_16.c_2))) or (null::bool)) or (null::bool))) and (false::bool))))) or (((((ref_15.c_1) is null) or ((make_timestamp(2073, 8, 5, 19, 26, 3)) > (make_timestamp(2024, 11, 14, 6, 30, 27)))) or ((((make_timestamp(2100, 2, 12, 17, 12, 2)) = (make_timestamp(2037, 4, 6, 9, 26, 17))) and (((not ((null::text) >= (ref_16.c_2))) or (null::bool)) or (null::bool))) and (false::bool))) is null)) then (ref_16.c_4) else (ref_16.c_4) end as c_2, case when (((null::bool) and (not (null::bool))) and ((null::bool) is not null)) then (ref_15.c_1) else (ref_15.c_1) end as c_3, case when ((((null::bool) < ((ref_16.c_1) between (ref_15.c_1) and (ref_15.c_1))) or (not ((null::bool) < ((ref_16.c_1) between (ref_15.c_1) and (ref_15.c_1))))) or (((null::bool) < ((ref_16.c_1) between (ref_15.c_1) and (ref_15.c_1))) is null)) then (ref_16.c_4) else (0.0) end as c_4, case when (((null::bool) and (not (null::bool))) and ((null::bool) is not null)) then (ref_16.c_2) else (ref_16.c_2) end as c_5, case when ((((('/zI,') < (ref_16.c_3)) = (not (false::bool))) or (not ((('/zI,') < (ref_16.c_3)) = (not (false::bool))))) or (((('/zI,') < (ref_16.c_3)) = (not (false::bool))) is null)) then (ref_15.c_2) else (ref_15.c_2) end as c_6, case when ((((ref_15.c_3) <= (ref_15.c_3)) and (not ((ref_15.c_3) <= (ref_15.c_3)))) and (((ref_15.c_3) <= (ref_15.c_3)) is not null)) then (ref_15.c_4) else (ref_16.c_6) end as c_7, case when ((((ref_15.c_1) between (ref_15.c_1) and (ref_15.c_1)) or (not ((ref_15.c_1) between (ref_15.c_1) and (ref_15.c_1)))) or (((ref_15.c_1) between (ref_15.c_1) and (ref_15.c_1)) is null)) then (ref_15.c_5) else (false::bool) end as c_8, case when (((exists ( select (ref_16.c_3) ~<=~ (ref_16.c_2) as c_0, ref_107.c_2 as c_1 from t4 as ref_107 where (((ref_15.c_2) ~~* (ref_16.c_2)) or (false::bool)) or (((make_timestamp(2103, 12, 25, 1, 57, 36)) > (make_timestamp(1971, 9, 1, 9, 59, 47))) or ((ref_107.c_2) in (select distinct ref_16.c_3 as c_0 from t0 as ref_108 where false::bool order by c_0 asc))) except select null::bool as c_0, ref_15.c_2 as c_1 from t4 as ref_109 where true::bool)) or (not (exists ( select (ref_16.c_3) ~<=~ (ref_16.c_2) as c_0, ref_107.c_2 as c_1 from t4 as ref_107 where (((ref_15.c_2) ~~* (ref_16.c_2)) or (false::bool)) or (((make_timestamp(2103, 12, 25, 1, 57, 36)) > (make_timestamp(1971, 9, 1, 9, 59, 47))) or ((ref_107.c_2) in (select distinct ref_16.c_3 as c_0 from t0 as ref_108 where false::bool order by c_0 asc))) except select null::bool as c_0, ref_15.c_2 as c_1 from t4 as ref_109 where true::bool)))) or ((exists ( select (ref_16.c_3) ~<=~ (ref_16.c_2) as c_0, ref_107.c_2 as c_1 from t4 as ref_107 where (((ref_15.c_2) ~~* (ref_16.c_2)) or (false::bool)) or (((make_timestamp(2103, 12, 25, 1, 57, 36)) > (make_timestamp(1971, 9, 1, 9, 59, 47))) or ((ref_107.c_2) in (select distinct ref_16.c_3 as c_0 from t0 as ref_108 where false::bool order by c_0 asc))) except select null::bool as c_0, ref_15.c_2 as c_1 from t4 as ref_109 where true::bool)) is null)) then (ref_15.c_1) else (ref_16.c_1) end as c_9 from (t4 as ref_15 inner join t4 as ref_16 on (ref_15.c_0 = ref_16.c_0 )) where not ((false::bool) or (not ((true::bool) and (((((null::int4) between (ref_16.c_1) and (ref_16.c_1)) or (not ((null::int4) between (ref_16.c_1) and (ref_16.c_1)))) or (((null::int4) between (ref_16.c_1) and (ref_16.c_1)) is null)) and ((case when ((((ref_15.c_3) not like '__S') and (not ((ref_15.c_3) not like '__S'))) and (((ref_15.c_3) not like '__S') is not null)) then (ref_15.c_1) else (ref_16.c_1) end ) > (case when ((((ref_15.c_2) !~~* (ref_15.c_3)) or (not ((ref_15.c_2) !~~* (ref_15.c_3)))) or (((ref_15.c_2) !~~* (ref_15.c_3)) is null)) then (ref_15.c_1) else (ref_15.c_1) end ))))))) as subq_1 ) select case when ((((((null::bool) or (false::bool)) or ((((subq_2.c_8) !~~* (subq_2.c_8)) and ((subq_2.c_11) !~* (subq_2.c_8))) and (null::bool))) or ((ref_22.c0) is not null)) or (not ((((null::bool) or (false::bool)) or ((((subq_2.c_8) !~~* (subq_2.c_8)) and ((subq_2.c_11) !~* (subq_2.c_8))) and (null::bool))) or ((ref_22.c0) is not null)))) or (((((null::bool) or (false::bool)) or ((((subq_2.c_8) !~~* (subq_2.c_8)) and ((subq_2.c_11) !~* (subq_2.c_8))) and (null::bool))) or ((ref_22.c0) is not null)) is null)) then (case when (((((subq_3.c_2) in (select (ref_22.vkey) between (subq_2.c_7) and (ref_22.c0) as c_0 from (t4 as ref_125 right outer join t4 as ref_126 on (ref_125.c_6 = ref_126.c_0 )) where (null::bool) and (null::bool) union select (ref_127.c5) in (select subq_2.c_1 as c_0 from cte_2 as ref_128 where true::bool) as c_0 from t1 as ref_127 where true::bool)) and (not ((subq_3.c_2) in (select (ref_22.vkey) between (subq_2.c_7) and (ref_22.c0) as c_0 from (t4 as ref_125 right outer join t4 as ref_126 on (ref_125.c_6 = ref_126.c_0 )) where (null::bool) and (null::bool) union select (ref_127.c5) in (select subq_2.c_1 as c_0 from cte_2 as ref_128 where true::bool) as c_0 from t1 as ref_127 where true::bool)))) and (((subq_3.c_2) in (select (ref_22.vkey) between (subq_2.c_7) and (ref_22.c0) as c_0 from (t4 as ref_125 right outer join t4 as ref_126 on (ref_125.c_6 = ref_126.c_0 )) where (null::bool) and (null::bool) union select (ref_127.c5) in (select subq_2.c_1 as c_0 from cte_2 as ref_128 where true::bool) as c_0 from t1 as ref_127 where true::bool)) is not null)) or ((true::bool) in (select case when (((((true::bool) or (not (true::bool))) or ((true::bool) is null)) and ((case when (((false::bool) or (not (false::bool))) or ((false::bool) is null)) then (subq_2.c_9) else (ref_29.c_11) end ) like 'u6_')) is null) then (false::bool) else ((((true::bool) or (not (true::bool))) or ((true::bool) is null)) and ((case when (((false::bool) or (not (false::bool))) or ((false::bool) is null)) then (subq_2.c_9) else (ref_29.c_11) end ) like 'u6_')) end as c0 from t3 as ref_29 where true::bool))) then (((ref_22.c1) = (ref_22.c1)) or (true::bool)) else (null::bool) end ) else (true::bool) end as c_2, ((((pg_catalog.regexp_replace(subq_2.c_2, ref_22.c2, ref_22.c2)) !~~* ((subq_2.c_8) || (ref_22.c2))) and (not ((pg_catalog.regexp_replace(subq_2.c_2, ref_22.c2, ref_22.c2)) !~~* ((subq_2.c_8) || (ref_22.c2))))) and (((pg_catalog.regexp_replace(subq_2.c_2, ref_22.c2, ref_22.c2)) !~~* ((subq_2.c_8) || (ref_22.c2))) is not null)) or (not ((not (((((ref_22.c2) > (subq_2.c_9)) and (not ((ref_22.c2) > (subq_2.c_9)))) and (((ref_22.c2) > (subq_2.c_9)) is not null)) or ((true::bool) in (select case when ((null::bool) is null) then (false::bool) else (null::bool) end as c0 from t3 as ref_30 where true::bool)))) or (not (((((subq_2.c_9) <= (subq_2.c_9)) and (not ((subq_2.c_9) <= (subq_2.c_9)))) and (((subq_2.c_9) <= (subq_2.c_9)) is not null)) or ((case when ((((-61) <> ( select subq_3.c_0 as c_0 from t4 as ref_130 where ((subq_2.c_9) <> (ref_22.c2)) or ((ref_130.c_2) not like '_6%') order by c_0 desc limit 1)) or (not ((-61) <> ( select subq_3.c_0 as c_0 from t4 as ref_130 where ((subq_2.c_9) <> (ref_22.c2)) or ((ref_130.c_2) not like '_6%') order by c_0 desc limit 1)))) or (((-61) <> ( select subq_3.c_0 as c_0 from t4 as ref_130 where ((subq_2.c_9) <> (ref_22.c2)) or ((ref_130.c_2) not like '_6%') order by c_0 desc limit 1)) is null)) then (case when (((((ref_22.c0) is null) or (not ((ref_22.c0) is null))) or (((ref_22.c0) is null) is null)) and ((case when (((true::bool) and (not (true::bool))) and ((true::bool) is not null)) then (ref_22.c1) else (ref_22.c1) end ) >= (case when (((((subq_2.c_11) ~ (subq_2.c_9)) or ((ref_22.vkey) between (subq_2.c_6) and (subq_2.c_3))) and (not (((subq_2.c_11) ~ (subq_2.c_9)) or ((ref_22.vkey) between (subq_2.c_6) and (subq_2.c_3))))) and ((((subq_2.c_11) ~ (subq_2.c_9)) or ((ref_22.vkey) between (subq_2.c_6) and (subq_2.c_3))) is not null)) then (ref_22.c1) else (ref_22.c1) end ))) then (case when (((((subq_2.c_5) = (subq_2.c_4)) and (null::bool)) and (not (((subq_2.c_5) = (subq_2.c_4)) and (null::bool)))) and ((((subq_2.c_5) = (subq_2.c_4)) and (null::bool)) is not null)) then (subq_2.c_11) else (subq_2.c_2) end ) else (case when (((null::bool) or (not (null::bool))) or ((null::bool) is null)) then (subq_2.c_11) else (subq_2.c_9) end ) end ) else (subq_2.c_2) end ) ^@ (case when ((((subq_2.c_2) ~* (subq_2.c_11)) and (not ((subq_2.c_2) ~* (subq_2.c_11)))) and (((subq_2.c_2) ~* (subq_2.c_11)) is not null)) then (pg_catalog.rpad(subq_2.c_11, subq_2.c_10)) else (subq_2.c_8) end )))))) as c_3, ((((pg_catalog.substring(subq_2.c_8, -0, subq_2.c_0)) ~~ (subq_2.c_8)) or (not ((pg_catalog.substring(subq_2.c_8, -0, subq_2.c_0)) ~~ (subq_2.c_8)))) or (((pg_catalog.substring(subq_2.c_8, -0, subq_2.c_0)) ~~ (subq_2.c_8)) is null)) and (not ((not (((((ref_22.c3) <= (ref_22.c3)) and (not ((ref_22.c3) <= (ref_22.c3)))) and (((ref_22.c3) <= (ref_22.c3)) is not null)) or ((case when (((true::bool) and (not (true::bool))) and ((true::bool) is not null)) then (subq_2.c_2) else (subq_2.c_2) end ) not like '_%%'))) and (not (((((subq_2.c_9) = (subq_2.c_9)) or (not ((subq_2.c_9) = (subq_2.c_9)))) or (((subq_2.c_9) = (subq_2.c_9)) is null)) and (not ((not (((((ref_22.c2) !~ (subq_2.c_8)) and (not ((ref_22.c2) !~ (subq_2.c_8)))) and (((ref_22.c2) !~ (subq_2.c_8)) is not null)) or (not ((not (null::bool)) and (not (null::bool)))))) or (not ((((null::bool) and (not (null::bool))) and ((null::bool) is not null)) or ((case when ((((subq_2.c_9) !~* (subq_2.c_9)) and (not ((subq_2.c_9) !~* (subq_2.c_9)))) and (((subq_2.c_9) !~* (subq_2.c_9)) is not null)) then (subq_2.c_5) else (subq_2.c_1) end ) < (case when (((null::bool) and (not (null::bool))) and ((null::bool) is not null)) then (96) else (pg_catalog.gin_compare_jsonb(case when (((false::bool) and (not (false::bool))) and ((false::bool) is not null)) then (subq_2.c_2) else (null::text) end , case when ((((false::bool) is null) and (not ((false::bool) is null))) and (((false::bool) is null) is not null)) then (subq_2.c_9) else (subq_2.c_2) end )) end )))))))))) as c_4, case when ((((ref_22.c1) >= (pg_catalog.tsrange_subdiff(make_timestamp(2091, 10, 11, 21, 41, 25), ref_22.c3))) or (not ((ref_22.c1) >= (pg_catalog.tsrange_subdiff(make_timestamp(2091, 10, 11, 21, 41, 25), ref_22.c3))))) or (((ref_22.c1) >= (pg_catalog.tsrange_subdiff(make_timestamp(2091, 10, 11, 21, 41, 25), ref_22.c3))) is null)) then ((case when ((((((((subq_2.c_9) ^@ (subq_2.c_9)) or (null::bool)) and (null::bool)) or (null::bool)) and ((ref_22.pkey) is not null)) and (not ((((((subq_2.c_9) ^@ (subq_2.c_9)) or (null::bool)) and (null::bool)) or (null::bool)) and ((ref_22.pkey) is not null)))) and (((((((subq_2.c_9) ^@ (subq_2.c_9)) or (null::bool)) and (null::bool)) or (null::bool)) and ((ref_22.pkey) is not null)) is not null)) then (nullif(ref_22.c1, ref_22.c1)) else (pg_catalog.float8smaller(case when ((((subq_2.c_3) between (subq_2.c_7) and (subq_2.c_4)) and (not ((subq_2.c_3) between (subq_2.c_7) and (subq_2.c_4)))) and (((subq_2.c_3) between (subq_2.c_7) and (subq_2.c_4)) is not null)) then (ref_22.c1) else (ref_22.c1) end , case when ((((subq_2.c_1) = (ref_22.vkey)) or (not ((subq_2.c_1) = (ref_22.vkey)))) or (((subq_2.c_1) = (ref_22.vkey)) is null)) then (ref_22.c1) else (ref_22.c1) end )) end ) / (case when (((true::bool) and (not (true::bool))) and ((true::bool) is not null)) then (ref_22.c1) else ((case when (((false::bool) or (not (false::bool))) or ((false::bool) is null)) then (ref_22.c1) else (ref_22.c1) end ) / (case when (((true::bool) and (not (true::bool))) and ((true::bool) is not null)) then (ref_22.c1) else (ref_22.c1) end )) end )) else (pg_catalog.cotd(ref_22.c1)) end as c_5 from ((select case when false then (ref_17.c5) else (ref_17.pkey) end as c_0, case when false then (ref_18.c_0) else (ref_18.c_0) end as c_1, case when true then (ref_18.c_1) else (ref_18.c_1) end as c_2, case when false then (ref_17.c5) else (ref_17.vkey) end as c_3, case when true then (ref_17.c5) else (ref_17.c5) end as c_4, case when false then (ref_18.c_0) else (ref_18.c_0) end as c_5, case when false then (ref_17.vkey) else (ref_17.pkey) end as c_6, case when true then (ref_18.c_0) else (ref_17.c5) end as c_7, case when false then (ref_18.c_1) else (ref_18.c_1) end as c_8, case when true then (ref_18.c_1) else (ref_18.c_1) end as c_9, case when false then (ref_17.pkey) else (ref_17.vkey) end as c_10, case when false then (ref_18.c_1) else (ref_18.c_1) end as c_11 from (t1 as ref_17 cross join cte_3 as ref_18 ) where not ((false::bool) or (not ((true::bool) and (null::bool))))) as subq_2 left outer join (t0 as ref_22 left outer join (select case when ((((ref_23.c_8) > (ref_23.c_3)) and (not ((ref_23.c_8) > (ref_23.c_3)))) and (((ref_23.c_8) > (ref_23.c_3)) is not null)) then (ref_23.c_2) else (ref_23.c_2) end as c_0, case when ((((2) between (ref_23.c_2) and (ref_23.c_0)) or (not ((2) between (ref_23.c_2) and (ref_23.c_0)))) or (((2) between (ref_23.c_2) and (ref_23.c_0)) is null)) then (ref_23.c_6) else (null::bool) end as c_1, case when ((((ref_23.c_0) <= (ref_23.c_0)) and (not ((ref_23.c_0) <= (ref_23.c_0)))) and (((ref_23.c_0) <= (ref_23.c_0)) is not null)) then (true::bool) else (ref_23.c_9) end as c_2, ((case when ((((ref_23.c_1) <= (ref_23.c_1)) or (not ((ref_23.c_1) <= (ref_23.c_1)))) or (((ref_23.c_1) <= (ref_23.c_1)) is null)) then (ref_23.c_3) else (ref_23.c_3) end ) <= (case when (((((ref_23.c_1) ~<=~ (ref_23.c_1)) or (null::bool)) or (not (((ref_23.c_1) ~<=~ (ref_23.c_1)) or (null::bool)))) or ((((ref_23.c_1) ~<=~ (ref_23.c_1)) or (null::bool)) is null)) then (ref_23.c_8) else (ref_23.c_8) end )) as c_3 from cte_2 as ref_23 where not ((false::bool) or (not ((true::bool) and ((((false::bool) and (not (false::bool))) and ((false::bool) is not null)) or ((case when (((((true::bool) and (null::bool)) and (false::bool)) and (not (((true::bool) and (null::bool)) and (false::bool)))) and ((((true::bool) and (null::bool)) and (false::bool)) is not null)) then (ref_23.c_0) else (ref_23.c_5) end ) is not null)))))) as subq_3 on (ref_22.pkey = subq_3.c_0 )) on (subq_2.c_0 = ref_22.vkey ))