-- -- PostgreSQL database dump -- -- Dumped from database version 16beta1 -- Dumped by pg_dump version 16beta1 SET statement_timeout = 0; SET lock_timeout = 0; SET idle_in_transaction_session_timeout = 0; SET client_encoding = 'SQL_ASCII'; SET standard_conforming_strings = on; SELECT pg_catalog.set_config('search_path', '', false); SET check_function_bodies = false; SET xmloption = content; SET client_min_messages = warning; SET row_security = off; SET default_tablespace = ''; SET default_table_access_method = heap; -- -- Name: t0; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: zuming -- CREATE TABLE public.t0 ( vkey integer NOT NULL, pkey integer, c0 integer, c1 double precision, c2 text, c3 timestamp without time zone ); ALTER TABLE public.t0 OWNER TO zuming; -- -- Name: t1; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: zuming -- CREATE TABLE public.t1 ( vkey integer NOT NULL, pkey integer, c4 text, c5 integer ); ALTER TABLE public.t1 OWNER TO zuming; -- -- Name: t2; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: zuming -- CREATE TABLE public.t2 ( vkey integer, pkey integer, c6 double precision ); ALTER TABLE public.t2 OWNER TO zuming; -- -- Name: t3; Type: VIEW; Schema: public; Owner: zuming -- CREATE VIEW public.t3 AS SELECT CASE WHEN (c4 !~~ '%%_'::text) THEN ( SELECT t0.c2 FROM public.t0 ORDER BY t0.c2 OFFSET 1 LIMIT 1) ELSE c4 END AS c_0, vkey AS c_1, vkey AS c_2, c4 AS c_3, ( SELECT t1.c4 FROM public.t1 ORDER BY t1.c4 OFFSET 4 LIMIT 1) AS c_4, CASE WHEN ((vkey >= ( SELECT t1.vkey FROM public.t1 ORDER BY t1.vkey OFFSET 4 LIMIT 1)) AND (vkey <= int4inc(vkey))) THEN pkey ELSE (vkey | ( SELECT t0.vkey FROM public.t0 ORDER BY t0.vkey OFFSET 64 LIMIT 1)) END AS c_5, regexp_count(c4, c4, c5, c4) AS c_6, COALESCE(c4, c4) AS c_7, pkey AS c_8, dpow(var_samp(float8up(( SELECT t0.c1 FROM public.t0 ORDER BY t0.c1 OFFSET 6 LIMIT 1))) OVER (PARTITION BY c5 ORDER BY vkey DESC, pkey, c4 DESC, c5 DESC), NULL::double precision) AS c_9, dround(cos( CASE WHEN (( SELECT bit_or(t1.vkey) AS bit_or FROM public.t1) <> vkey) THEN ( SELECT t2.c6 FROM public.t2 ORDER BY t2.c6 OFFSET 43 LIMIT 1) ELSE atanh(( SELECT t0.c1 FROM public.t0 ORDER BY t0.c1 OFFSET 51 LIMIT 1)) END)) AS c_10, c4 AS c_11, vkey AS c_12, "substring"(md5(c4), pkey) AS c_13, vkey AS c_14, (((EXISTS ( SELECT ref_2.c2 AS c_0, ( SELECT min(t0.c3) AS min FROM public.t0) AS c_1, ref_2.c2 AS c_2, ref_2.vkey AS c_3, ( SELECT t1.c4 FROM public.t1 ORDER BY t1.c4 OFFSET 3 LIMIT 1) AS c_4, ref_2.vkey AS c_5, ( SELECT t0.c1 FROM public.t0 ORDER BY t0.c1 OFFSET 6 LIMIT 1) AS c_6, ( SELECT max(t2.vkey) AS max FROM public.t2) AS c_7, ref_2.vkey AS c_8 FROM public.t0 ref_2 WHERE (NULL::boolean AND true))) AND false) OR true OR (EXISTS ( SELECT DISTINCT (ref_0.c4 = ref_0.c4) AS c_0, false AS c_1 FROM public.t2 ref_3 WHERE (true OR (NOT true)) UNION SELECT false AS c_0, (ref_4.c2 = ref_0.c4) AS c_1 FROM public.t0 ref_4 WHERE ((( SELECT t0.vkey FROM public.t0 ORDER BY t0.vkey OFFSET 5 LIMIT 1) <> ref_0.vkey) AND NULL::boolean))) OR (c4 ~>~ c4) OR (c4 ~~ 'mjo'::text)) AS c_15, CASE WHEN (c4 <= ( SELECT t1.c4 FROM public.t1 ORDER BY t1.c4 OFFSET 5 LIMIT 1)) THEN ((vkey >= ( SELECT t1.vkey FROM public.t1 ORDER BY t1.vkey OFFSET 6 LIMIT 1)) AND (vkey <= c5)) ELSE ((( SELECT t1.c4 FROM public.t1 ORDER BY t1.c4 OFFSET 4 LIMIT 1) !~~ 'L_%'::text) AND (false OR (( SELECT max(t0.c2) AS max FROM public.t0) !~ c4))) END AS c_16, bit_and(pkey) OVER (PARTITION BY c5 ORDER BY vkey, pkey, c4 DESC, c5 DESC) AS c_17, (vkey + ( SELECT t1.vkey FROM public.t1 ORDER BY t1.vkey OFFSET 3 LIMIT 1)) AS c_18, ( SELECT t1.pkey FROM public.t1 ORDER BY t1.pkey OFFSET 4 LIMIT 1) AS c_19, pkey AS c_20, similar_to_escape(c4, c4) AS c_21 FROM public.t1 ref_0 WHERE (bool((( SELECT max(t0.vkey) AS max FROM public.t0) >> c5)) IN ( SELECT (NOT false) AS c_0 FROM public.t1 ref_1 WHERE ((0.0 < '-55.30'::numeric) AND NULL::boolean AND (true OR (ref_0.c5 <> ref_1.pkey))))); ALTER VIEW public.t3 OWNER TO zuming; -- -- Name: t4; Type: VIEW; Schema: public; Owner: zuming -- CREATE VIEW public.t4 AS SELECT DISTINCT stddev(ref_0.c_9) OVER (PARTITION BY ref_0.c_18, ref_2.c_20 ORDER BY ref_0.c_0 DESC, ref_0.c_1 DESC, ref_0.c_2 DESC, ref_0.c_3, ref_0.c_4, ref_0.c_5, ref_0.c_6 DESC, ref_0.c_7 DESC, ref_0.c_8, ref_0.c_9, ref_0.c_10 DESC, ref_0.c_11 DESC, ref_0.c_12 DESC, ref_0.c_13 DESC, ref_0.c_14 DESC, ref_0.c_15 DESC, ref_0.c_16, ref_0.c_17 DESC, ref_0.c_18 DESC, ref_0.c_19, ref_0.c_20 DESC, ref_0.c_21, ref_1.c_0, ref_1.c_1, ref_1.c_2 DESC, ref_1.c_3 DESC, ref_1.c_4, ref_1.c_5, ref_1.c_6, ref_1.c_7 DESC, ref_1.c_8, ref_1.c_9, ref_1.c_10 DESC, ref_1.c_11, ref_1.c_12, ref_1.c_13, ref_1.c_14 DESC, ref_1.c_15 DESC, ref_1.c_16, ref_1.c_17, ref_1.c_18 DESC, ref_1.c_19 DESC, ref_1.c_20 DESC, ref_1.c_21 DESC, ref_2.c_0 DESC, ref_2.c_1 DESC, ref_2.c_2, ref_2.c_3, ref_2.c_4 DESC, ref_2.c_5, ref_2.c_6, ref_2.c_7 DESC, ref_2.c_8, ref_2.c_9 DESC, ref_2.c_10 DESC, ref_2.c_11 DESC, ref_2.c_12 DESC, ref_2.c_13, ref_2.c_14 DESC, ref_2.c_15 DESC, ref_2.c_16 DESC, ref_2.c_17, ref_2.c_18, ref_2.c_19, ref_2.c_20, ref_2.c_21 DESC) AS c_0, ref_0.c_8 AS c_1, ref_0.c_3 AS c_2, CASE WHEN NULL::boolean THEN ( SELECT t1.c4 FROM public.t1 ORDER BY t1.c4 OFFSET 33 LIMIT 1) ELSE "left"('O'::text, ref_1.c_5) END AS c_3, COALESCE(( SELECT var_pop(t0.c1) AS var_pop FROM public.t0), ref_0.c_10) AS c_4, (ref_1.c_18 <= ref_2.c_19) AS c_5, acosh(min(ref_2.c_9) OVER (PARTITION BY ref_1.c_4 ORDER BY ref_0.c_0, ref_0.c_1 DESC, ref_0.c_2 DESC, ref_0.c_3 DESC, ref_0.c_4, ref_0.c_5 DESC, ref_0.c_6, ref_0.c_7 DESC, ref_0.c_8 DESC, ref_0.c_9 DESC, ref_0.c_10 DESC, ref_0.c_11 DESC, ref_0.c_12 DESC, ref_0.c_13 DESC, ref_0.c_14 DESC, ref_0.c_15, ref_0.c_16, ref_0.c_17, ref_0.c_18 DESC, ref_0.c_19 DESC, ref_0.c_20 DESC, ref_0.c_21, ref_1.c_0, ref_1.c_1 DESC, ref_1.c_2 DESC, ref_1.c_3 DESC, ref_1.c_4, ref_1.c_5, ref_1.c_6 DESC, ref_1.c_7, ref_1.c_8, ref_1.c_9, ref_1.c_10, ref_1.c_11 DESC, ref_1.c_12, ref_1.c_13, ref_1.c_14, ref_1.c_15 DESC, ref_1.c_16 DESC, ref_1.c_17 DESC, ref_1.c_18 DESC, ref_1.c_19, ref_1.c_20 DESC, ref_1.c_21, ref_2.c_0 DESC, ref_2.c_1 DESC, ref_2.c_2 DESC, ref_2.c_3 DESC, ref_2.c_4, ref_2.c_5 DESC, ref_2.c_6 DESC, ref_2.c_7, ref_2.c_8 DESC, ref_2.c_9 DESC, ref_2.c_10 DESC, ref_2.c_11, ref_2.c_12, ref_2.c_13, ref_2.c_14 DESC, ref_2.c_15 DESC, ref_2.c_16, ref_2.c_17, ref_2.c_18 DESC, ref_2.c_19 DESC, ref_2.c_20 DESC, ref_2.c_21)) AS c_6 FROM ((public.t3 ref_0 CROSS JOIN public.t3 ref_1) RIGHT JOIN public.t3 ref_2 ON ((ref_1.c_11 = ref_2.c_0))) WHERE ((( SELECT t0.c3 FROM public.t0 ORDER BY t0.c3 OFFSET 4 LIMIT 1) < ( SELECT t0.c3 FROM public.t0 ORDER BY t0.c3 OFFSET 6 LIMIT 1)) OR NULL::boolean); ALTER VIEW public.t4 OWNER TO zuming; -- -- Name: t5; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: zuming -- CREATE TABLE public.t5 ( vkey integer, pkey integer, c7 text, c8 integer, c9 integer, c10 text, c11 double precision, c12 text, c13 timestamp without time zone, c14 text, c15 timestamp without time zone ); ALTER TABLE public.t5 OWNER TO zuming; -- -- Data for Name: t0; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: zuming -- COPY public.t0 (vkey, pkey, c0, c1, c2, c3) FROM stdin; 4 14000 0 \N \N 7 17000 0 97.99 i7N+ 2032-03-24 19:42:31 17 27000 0 \N 2046-07-04 04:03:09 20 30000 -20 -20.82 #}!BA 2020-03-28 07:00:32 21 31000 0 0 2071-12-27 18:48:27 22 32000 25 0 c~xm 2059-09-16 07:48:14 23 33000 -75 -41.97 2m7 2098-10-14 08:31:51 28 38000 18 20.97 \N \N 43 53000 0 -33.25 I) \N 45 55000 45 49.7 N? 2006-02-08 17:46:12 47 57000 0 4.1 \N 58 68000 -14 6.94 1978-11-07 17:18:49 60 70000 0 70.93 :y 1978-05-25 17:30:52 78 88000 -43 38.11 1975-03-20 01:01:10 88 98000 0 19.31 Q,JuM 2046-03-01 07:33:12 92 102000 -17 87.62 8e2$9 2098-03-17 16:01:47 93 103000 0 59.35 2021-02-23 14:24:24 99 109000 \N -93.55 e 2003-12-08 22:21:34 100 110000 \N 0 $|xxP 2086-10-19 01:16:23 105 115000 0 0 2042-04-09 08:01:32 110 120000 -48 8.29 \N \N 112 122000 19 70.3 S \N 119 129000 \N \N 2002-07-19 09:47:53 \. -- -- Data for Name: t1; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: zuming -- COPY public.t1 (vkey, pkey, c4, c5) FROM stdin; 9 19000 6#)8@ -12 15 25000 0 24 34000 ;p,,[ -4 30 40000 0 36 46000 h2 -2 38 48000 \N -89 41 51000 IR,V 91 42 52000 77N 35 50 60000 a+[e> 22 53 63000 \N 57 67000 `:5 99 62 72000 \N -15 67 77000 6Jl -25 68 78000 ?O 40 69 79000 ;z -36 71 81000 q/8nz -82 77 87000 \N -11 82 92000 \N 0 83 93000 g \N 85 95000 OV -22 91 101000 : \N 94 104000 Q@R 0 96 106000 [IY- 43 97 107000 @ 0 103 113000 \N -38 111 121000 ,Pk 70 114 124000 S7-8Y 42 115 125000 hc 49 120 130000 \N \N \. -- -- Data for Name: t2; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: zuming -- COPY public.t2 (vkey, pkey, c6) FROM stdin; 2 12000 28.4 3 13000 52.1 5 15000 30.99 8 18000 75.9 10 20000 -79.4 11 21000 0 16 26000 -41.54 19 29000 43.68 25 35000 77.37 27 37000 57.78 29 39000 \N 32 42000 3.64 33 43000 -2.83 37 47000 98.44 40 50000 -82.3 48 58000 64.4 54 64000 -5.71 55 65000 6.65 56 66000 -63.49 59 69000 0 64 74000 4.8 65 75000 -34.9 70 80000 \N 73 83000 -42.3 74 84000 53.83 76 86000 0 79 89000 0 80 90000 45.84 81 91000 0 86 96000 0 95 105000 92.13 98 108000 -7.24 101 111000 -99.86 106 116000 0 108 118000 91.4 113 123000 -18.98 117 127000 \N 118 128000 1.6 121 131000 0 \. -- -- Data for Name: t5; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: zuming -- COPY public.t5 (vkey, pkey, c7, c8, c9, c10, c11, c12, c13, c14, c15) FROM stdin; 1 11000 V? -17 -75 X \N WTF \N TJ \N 6 16000 mc -57 76 \N 0 ]5tk) 1993-05-09 13:13:22 \N 2082-12-19 19:30:03 12 22000 0 0 vnX! 0 iRx]U 2011-05-07 00:55:30 Ay1U8 2001-04-17 04:34:26 13 23000 9q -33 \N Z:/wH -57.57 \N 2035-12-11 02:06:16 2087-01-07 18:54:42 14 24000 ] -63 -85 a3 -68.57 tr \N ``-n 2094-02-27 16:51:46 18 28000 hEa 0 5 + 0 $4:` 2067-12-01 07:43:42 PPca 1985-09-20 13:24:48 26 36000 Ylz; 73 -92 z9U 3.36 OgWn@ 2101-08-11 03:10:29 X+ \N 31 41000 87 0 Zd \N 2051-08-02 05:56:02 2101-07-16 06:13:24 34 44000 =?=p \N -12 XZ 0 \N \N 2023-01-06 20:39:23 35 45000 \N -43 -96 1 -43.29 1998-05-03 18:44:20 (X] 1984-01-06 21:37:58 39 49000 tB`h 63 6 ]w&H -14.4 M)^-& 2039-02-10 20:47:53 I 3T9 2030-03-22 03:29:02 44 54000 77l -98 69 5q^c 77.93 9y/W 2061-01-26 15:36:42 3SeJQ 2102-06-14 16:03:19 46 56000 B 0 0 \N 70.84 J