Index: =================================================================== RCS file: /projects/cvsroot/pgsql-server/src/interfaces/jdbc/org/postgresql/test/jdbc2/,v retrieving revision 1.16 diff -c -r1.16 *** 2002/11/11 07:11:12 1.16 --- 2002/12/11 14:52:51 *************** *** 27,33 **** protected void setUp() throws Exception { con = TestUtil.openDB(); ! TestUtil.createTable( con, "testmetadata", "id int4, name text, updated timestamp" ); Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); //we add the following comments to ensure the joins to the comments //are done correctly. This ensures we correctly test that case. --- 27,35 ---- protected void setUp() throws Exception { con = TestUtil.openDB(); ! TestUtil.createTable( con, "aaa", "key integer, value varchar(20)" ); ! TestUtil.createTable( con, "testmetadata", "id int4, name text, updated timestamp" ); ! TestUtil.createTable( con, "zzz", "key integer, value varchar(20)" ); Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); //we add the following comments to ensure the joins to the comments //are done correctly. This ensures we correctly test that case. *************** *** 36,42 **** --- 38,46 ---- } protected void tearDown() throws Exception { + TestUtil.dropTable( con, "zzz" ); TestUtil.dropTable( con, "testmetadata" ); + TestUtil.dropTable( con, "aaa" ); TestUtil.closeDB( con ); } *************** *** 52,57 **** --- 56,62 ---- ResultSet rs = dbmd.getTables( null, null, "testmetadat%", new String[] {"TABLE"}); assertTrue( ); String tableName = rs.getString("TABLE_NAME"); + System.err.println("TABLE NAME = "+tableName); assertTrue( tableName.equals("testmetadata") ); String tableType = rs.getString("TABLE_TYPE"); assertTrue( tableType.equals("TABLE") );