Concerning the the sample formdemo, ( formdemo.sql )
This demo file is in the ( /usr/local/pgaccess/demo/formdemo.sql ) directory, from the upgrade v 0.98.
Or you can download the ( formdemo.sql ) file only, from the PgAccess web site.
My question is, in which directory do you put the ( formdemo.sql ) database file in.
So when you type
# su - roland
$ createdb formdemo
$ psql formdemo <formdemo.sql
I get
bash: formdemo.sql: No such file or directory
I do get when I type
$ psql formdemo
Welcome etc.
formdemo=> \d
Then I get a table
The formdemo.sql does not show up in PgAccess
I have other databases, tables and forms working in PgAccess?
Thanks, Roland

Constantin Teodorescu wrote:

Let's say you are the Linux user roland on your computer.

There is a postgres user , the master of PostgreSQL database server as
the system administrator.
Don't know the password for postgres user but you should assign one as
root and then log in as postgres user.
Then create a PostgreSQL user with the following command:

$ createuser roland

and follow the instructions there. Now you have a PostgreSQL user roland
and you may create databases , other users and so on.

As postgres linux user (or as roland) create and fill the formdemo
database :

$ createdb formdemo
$ psql formdemo <formdemo.sql

Now database formdemo should exist, check it with :

$ psql formdemo
formdemo=> \d

Then run PgAccess as :

$ pgaccess formdemo

or simply run PgAccess without parameter and the from the Database/Open
menu, specify formdemo as your database, localhost to host, 5432 as
port. Username and password may not be supplied if you are connecting to

Constantin Teodorescu
FLEX Consulting Braila, ROMANIA

Roland N Verrier wrote:

Question for the Masters
This maybe a simple question, but how do you activate the sample demo, formdemo.sql in PgAccess.

I have install on my Linux machine,
Red Hat 6.0
PostgreSQL v 6.4.2-6
PgAccess v 0.98, nice improvement
Postmaster running, PgAccesss running
PgAccess v 0.98 is in /usr/local/pgaccess
Off the Web site it says, Create an empty database and psql your database <formdemo.sql
I have the template1 and other databases in /var/lib/pgsql/base
How do I make the connection with formdemo.sql and the base dir., if I create a new database,
opened in PgAccess?
Thanks, for Being Creators and Helpers ************