Hi Sarita,

Well, I doubt we will take this as a bug in PG at the getgo. I very seriously doubt this is a bug due to some PG internal toggling wrangling going on.  I think we can get to the bottom of this if you provide more info in this thread.

Would you provide the DDL you used to create this table, along with any triggers under the covers?

Then later, we might need to turn on some debugging in the PG log so we can capture any DML changes to this table to see if that is the culprit.
log_statement = 'mod'

Michael Vitale

On 03/03/2022 11:45 AM Sarita Sharma <saritakumarisharma61@gmail.com> wrote:

  Hi Team,
I am a backend(server side) developer and I am using postgres database for storing my data to database. I have find a big challenge working with postgres database(version 13) as I have find  major issue working with  column in table of database as data keep toggling its value. 
if I have stored data into table 
bike_name    bike_prefix    bike_line
V111               V                  111
W222              W                 222
X333               X                  333

if some other time if query is made for same table data might look like this
bike_name    bike_prefix    bike_line
W111               V                  111
X222              W                  222
X333               X                  333
So usually bike_name  keep changing its name thats seems to me a toggling behaviour.
Please take this issue as bug and work on this.

Thanks and Regards,