Did user postgres can delete this file ?
Because you have create this file manually to be able to listen to the primary server?
But I'm not sure that the way it does
See : https://www.postgresql.org/docs/12/warm-standby-failover.html
PostgreSQL does not provide the system software required to identify a failure on the primary and notify the standby database server. Many such tools exist and are well integrated with the operating system facilities required for successful failover, such as IP address migration.
it depends on how you have done the
failover process :
using pg_ctl promote
to call pg_promote
fail over?
Many methods are doing job.
I don't see in documentation if the stand.signal must
be deleted by the process in postgresql v12 or highest, but i
remember that the recovery.conf on the standby renamed to
recovery.done where the standby serveur is promote with a
trigger_file (you need to write a file on the secondary serveur
to start failover process and had before a command to use this
like this :
='/home/user/master_on' in the postgresql.conf file of the
secoundary server.
Hope this help you!
Yann Convers Gestionnaire de l'infrastructure, des référentiels et des outilsDREAL Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Service Connaissance, Information, Développement Durable, Autorité Environnementale - Pole Système d Information Géographique Tél : 04 26 28 67 89 courriel : yann.convers@developpement-durable.gouv.fradresse de la boite d’unité : boite unitéPour toute commande interne de prestations, merci d utilisez le formulaire suivant : http://postgis-aura.projets.appli.i2/projects/demandes-de-prestations/issues/new
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Could you please help me to clarify why standby.signal is not getting deleted after failover in below scenario
Steps:1. Deactivate secondary server2. Restore data from primary or secondary at primary server.3. Enable replication.4. Activate secondary server.
Your reply will be more appreciated.
Thanks,Swati Yadav.