The PostgreSQL Global Development Group has released an update to all supported versions of our database system, including 13.1, 12.5, 11.10, 10.15, 9.6.20, and 9.5.24. This release fixes over 65 bugs reported over the last three months. Please plan to update at your earliest convenience. Additionally, this is the second-to-last release of PostgreSQL 9.5. If you are running PostgreSQL 9.5 in a production environment, we suggest that you make plans to upgrade. Bug Fixes and Improvements -------------------------- This update also fixes over 65 bugs that were reported in the last several months. Some of these issues only affect version 13, but may also apply to other supported versions. Some of these fixes include: * Fix a breakage in the replication protocol by ensuring that two "command completion" events are expected for `START_REPLICATION`. * Several fixes for potential data loss issues, though the circumstances where these issues manifest are rare. * Fix `ALTER ROLE` usage for users with the `BYPASSRLS` permission. * `ALTER TABLE ONLY ... DROP EXPRESSION` is not allowed on partitioned tables when there are child tables. * Ensure that `ALTER TABLE ONLY ... ENABLE/DISABLE TRIGGER` does not apply to child tables. * Fix for `ALTER TABLE ... SET NOT NULL` on partitioned tables to avoid a potential deadlock in parallel `pg_restore`. * Fix handling of expressions in `CREATE TABLE LIKE` with inheritance. * `DROP INDEX CONCURRENTLY` is not allowed on partitioned tables. * Allow `LOCK TABLE` to succeed on a self-referential view instead of throwing an error. * Several fixes around statistics collection and progress reporting for `REINDEX CONCURRENTLY`. * Ensure that `GENERATED` columns are updated when any columns they depend on are updated via a rule or an updatable view. * Support hash partitioning with using text array columns as a partition key. * Allow the jsonpath `.datetime()` method to accept ISO 8601-format timestamps. * During a "smart" shutdown, ensure background processes are not terminated until all foreground client sessions are completed, fixing an issue that broke the processing of parallel queries. * Several fixes for the query planner and optimizer. * Ensure that data is de-toasted before being inserted into a BRIN index. This could manifest itself with errors like "missing chunk number 0 for toast value NNN". If you have seen a similar error in an existing BRIN index, you should be able to correct it by using `REINDEX` on the index. * Additional fixes for B-tree, BRIN, GiST, and GIN indexes. * Fix the output of `EXPLAIN` to have the correct XML tag nesting for incremental sort plans. * Several fixes for memory leaks, including ones involving RLS policies, using `CALL` with PL/pgSQL, `SIGHUP` processing a configuration parameter that cannot be applied without a restart, and an edge-case for index lookup for a partition. * libpq can now support arbitrary-length lines in the .pgpass file. * On Windows, `psql` now reads the output of a backtick command in text mode, not binary mode, so it can now properly handle newlines. * Fix how `pg_dump`, `pg_restore`, `clusterdb`, `reindexdb`, and `vacuumdb` use complex connection-string parameters. * When the `\connect` command of `psql` reuses connection parameters, ensure that all non-overridden parameters from a previous connection string are also re-used. * Ensure that `pg_dump` collects per-column information about extension configuration tables, avoiding crashes when specifying `--inserts`. * Ensure that parallel `pg_restore` processes foreign keys referencing partitioned tables in the correct order. * Several fixes for `contrib/pgcrypto`, including a memory leak fix. This update also contains tzdata release 2020d for for DST law changes in Fiji, Morocco, Palestine, the Canadian Yukon, Macquarie Island, and Casey Station (Antarctica); plus historical corrections for France, Hungary, Monaco, and Palestine. For the full list of changes available, please review the [release notes]( PostgreSQL 9.5 EOL Notice ------------------------- PostgreSQL 9.5 will stop receiving fixes on February 11, 2021. If you are running PostgreSQL 9.5 in a production environment, we suggest that you make plans to upgrade to a newer, supported version of PostgreSQL. Please see our [versioning policy]( for more information. Updating -------- All PostgreSQL update releases are cumulative. As with other minor releases, users are not required to dump and reload their database or use `pg_upgrade` in order to apply this update release; you may simply shutdown PostgreSQL and update its binaries. Users who have skipped one or more update releases may need to run additional, post-update steps; please see the release notes for earlier versions for details. For more details, please see the [release notes]( **NOTE**: PostgreSQL 9.5 will stop receiving fixes on February 11, 2021. Please see our [versioning policy]( for more information. Links ----- * [Download]( * [Release Notes]( * [Security]( * [Versioning Policy]( * [Follow @postgresql on Twitter](