Hello Manfred,
Did the table named task have child tables? The records whose task_id was 1 were in child tables rather than task?
Could you please try following query?

INSERT INTO task_history (task_id, user_id, task_date)

SELECT task_id, user_id, task_date

FROM only task

WHERE task_id IN (1, 2, 3);

Best regards.
01.04.2020, 16:49, "Heinemann, Manfred (IMS)" <heinemannm@imsweb.com>:

Can something explain why something like the following could happen?


INSERT INTO task_history (task_id, user_id, task_date)

SELECT task_id, user_id, task_date

FROM task

WHERE task_id IN (1, 2, 3);


ERROR: insert or update on table "task_history" violates foreign key constraint "fk_task_history_task_id"

  Detail: Key (task_id)=(1) is not present in table "task".





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