Re: Index AM API cleanup

From: Peter Eisentraut <peter(at)eisentraut(dot)org>
To: Paul A Jungwirth <pj(at)illuminatedcomputing(dot)com>, Mark Dilger <mark(dot)dilger(at)enterprisedb(dot)com>
Cc: PostgreSQL Hackers <pgsql-hackers(at)postgresql(dot)org>, Andrew Dunstan <andrew(at)dunslane(dot)net>, Alex Wang <alex(dot)wang(at)enterprisedb(dot)com>
Subject: Re: Index AM API cleanup
Date: 2025-02-25 12:21:00
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Lists: pgsql-hackers

Here is a rebased version of the main patch set.

As before, the patches marked [TEST] are not intended for committing,
they are just to support testing this patch series.

Also, after some offline discussions, we are disregarding patch 0004
"WIP: Add cluster support to the index AM API" for now. It needs a
different approach.

The remaining patches

0008 Generalize hash and ordering support in amapi
0010 WIP: Some stuff in AlterOpFamilyAdd
0011 FIXME: Fix direct cast from strategy to cmptype
0012 Use CompareType more and StrategyNumber less
0013 Generalize predicate tests beyond btree strategies
0014 Allow non-btree indexes to participate in mergejoin
0015 Replace various references to btree strategies

are in play at various stages of readiness.

I think 0008 is pretty much ready with some comment and documentation

0013 and 0014 are also pretty straightforward.

The others (0010, 0011, 0012, 0015) still need a bit of work in some
details, but overall the concepts are pretty solid now.

Attachment Content-Type Size
v20-0001-TEST-Add-loadable-modules-as-tests-of-the-amapi.patch.gz application/x-gzip 12.3 KB
v20-0002-TEST-Add-treeb-deep-copy-of-btree.patch.gz application/x-gzip 237.1 KB
v20-0003-TEST-Stop-requiring-BTREE_AM_OID-from-within-btr.patch.gz application/x-gzip 1.2 KB
v20-0004-WIP-Add-cluster-support-to-the-index-AM-API.patch.gz application/x-gzip 3.8 KB
v20-0005-TEST-Adjust-treeb-to-use-ambegintscluster.patch.gz application/x-gzip 2.3 KB
v20-0006-TEST-Fixups-for-test-driver.patch.gz application/x-gzip 2.1 KB
v20-0007-TEST-Fix-xash-function-signatures.patch.gz application/x-gzip 787 bytes
v20-0008-Generalize-hash-and-ordering-support-in-amapi.patch.gz application/x-gzip 3.5 KB
v20-0009-TEST-Adjust-test-modules-to-use-amcanhash-and-am.patch.gz application/x-gzip 711 bytes
v20-0010-WIP-Some-stuff-in-AlterOpFamilyAdd.patch.gz application/x-gzip 725 bytes
v20-0011-FIXME-Fix-direct-cast-from-strategy-to-cmptype.patch.gz application/x-gzip 847 bytes
v20-0012-Use-CompareType-more-and-StrategyNumber-less.patch.gz application/x-gzip 17.1 KB
v20-0013-Generalize-predicate-tests-beyond-btree-strategi.patch.gz application/x-gzip 4.2 KB
v20-0014-Allow-non-btree-indexes-to-participate-in-mergej.patch.gz application/x-gzip 1.4 KB
v20-0015-Replace-various-references-to-btree-strategies.patch.gz application/x-gzip 2.8 KB
v20-0016-TEST-Rotate-treeb-strategy-numbers.patch.gz application/x-gzip 4.4 KB

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