Re: Enhancing Memory Context Statistics Reporting

From: Rahila Syed <rahilasyed90(at)gmail(dot)com>
To: Daniel Gustafsson <daniel(at)yesql(dot)se>
Cc: Tomas Vondra <tomas(at)vondra(dot)me>, PostgreSQL Hackers <pgsql-hackers(at)postgresql(dot)org>
Subject: Re: Enhancing Memory Context Statistics Reporting
Date: 2025-03-04 07:00:02
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Hi Daniel,

Thanks for the rebase, a few mostly superficial comments from a first
> read-through.
Thank you for your comments.

> The documentation refers to attributes in the return row but the format of
> that
> row isn't displayed which makes following along hard. I think we should
> include a table or a programlisting showing the return data before this
> paragraph.
> I included the sql function call and its output in programlisting format
after the
function description.
Since the description was part of a table, I added this additional
information at the
end of that table.

> +const char *
> +AssignContextType(NodeTag type)
> This function doesn't actually assign anything so the name is a bit
> misleading,
> it would be better with ContextTypeToString or something similar.
> Done.

> + * By default, only superusers or users with PG_READ_ALL_STATS are
> allowed to
> This sentence is really long and should probably be broken up.
> Fixed.

> + * The shared memory buffer has a limited size - it the process has too
> many
> s/it/if/
> Fixed.

> + * If the publishing backend does not respond before the condition
> variable
> + * times out, which is set to MEMSTATS_WAIT_TIMEOUT, retry for max_tries
> + * number of times, which is defined by user, before giving up and
> + * returning previously published statistics, if any.
> This comment should mention what happens if the process gives up and there
> is
> no previously published stats.
> Done.

> + int i;
> ...
> + for (i = 0; i < memCtxState[procNumber].total_stats; i++)
> This can be rewritten as "for (int i = 0; .." since we allow C99.
> Done.

> + * process running and consuming lots of memory, that it might end on
> its
> + * own first and its memory contexts are not logged is not a problem.
> This comment is copy/pasted from pg_log_backend_memory_contexts and while
> it
> mostly still apply it should at least be rewritten to not refer to logging
> as
> this function doesn't do that.
> Fixed.

> + ereport(WARNING,
> + (errmsg("PID %d is not a PostgreSQL server process",
> No need to add the extra parenthesis around errmsg anymore, so I think new
> code
> should omit those.
> Done.

> + errhint("Use pg_backend_memory_contexts view instead")));
> Super nitpick, but errhints should be complete sentences ending with a
> period.
> Done.

> + * statitics have previously been published by the backend. In which
> case,
> s/statitics/statistics/
> Fixed.

> + * statitics have previously been published by the backend. In which
> case,
> + * check if statistics are not older than curr_timestamp, if they are
> wait
> I think the sentence around the time check is needlessly confusing, could
> it be
> rewritten into something like:
> "A valid DSA pointer isn't proof that statistics are available, it can
> be
> valid due to previously published stats. Check if the stats are
> updated by
> comparing the timestamp, if the stats are newer than our previously
> recorded timestamp from before sending the procsignal they must by
> definition be updated."
> Replaced accordingly.

> + /* Assert for dsa_handle to be valid */
> Was this intended to be turned into an Assert call? Else it seems better
> to remove.

Added an assert and removed the comment.

> + if (print_location != PRINT_STATS_NONE)
> This warrants a comment stating why it makes sense.

> + * Do not print the statistics if print_to_stderr is PRINT_STATS_NONE,
> s/print_to_stderr/print_location/. Also, do we really need
> print_to_stderr in
> this function at all? It seems a bit awkward to combine a boolean and a
> paramter for a tri-state value when the parameter holds the tri_state
> already.
> For readability I think just checking print_location will be better since
> the
> value will be clear, where print_to_stderr=false is less clear in a
> tri-state
> scenario.
> I removed the boolean print_to_stderr, the checks are now using
the tri-state enum-print_location.

> + * its ancestors to a list, inorder to compute a path.
> s/inorder/in order/
> Fixed.

> + elog(LOG, "hash table corrupted, can't construct path value");
> + break;
> This will return either a NIL list or a partial path, but
> PublishMemoryContext
> doesn't really take into consideration that it might be so. Is this really
> benign to the point that we can blindly go on? Also, elog(LOG..) is
> mostly for
> tracing or debugging as elog() isn't intended for user facing errors.
> I agree that this should be addressed. I added a check for path value
storing it in shared memory. If the path is NIL, the path pointer in DSA
will point
to InvalidDsaPointer.
When a client encounters an InvalidDsaPointer it will print NULL in the
path column.
Partial path scenario is unlikely IMO, and I am not sure if it warrants

> +static void
> +compute_num_of_contexts(List *contexts, HTAB *context_id_lookup,
> + int *stats_count, bool get_summary)
> This function does a lot than compute the number of contexts so the name
> seems
> a bit misleading. Perhaps a rename to compute_contexts() or something
> similar?
> Renamed to compute_contexts_count_and_ids.

> + memctx_info[curr_id].name = dsa_allocate0(area,
> + strlen(clipped_ident) + 1);
> These calls can use idlen instead of more strlen() calls no? While there
> is no
> performance benefit, it would increase readability IMHO if the code first
> calculates a value, and then use it.
> Done.

> + strncpy(name,
> + clipped_ident, strlen(clipped_ident));
> Since clipped_ident has been nul terminated earlier there is no need to use
> strncpy, we can instead use strlcpy and take the target buffer size into
> consideration rather than the input string length.
> Replaced with the strlcpy calls.

> PROCSIG_LOG_MEMORY_CONTEXT, /* ask backend to log the memory contexts
> */
> + PROCSIG_GET_MEMORY_CONTEXT, /* ask backend to log the memory contexts
> */
> This comment should be different from the LOG_MEMORY_xx one.
> Fixed.

> These are unused, from an earlier version of the patch perhaps?
> Removed

+ * Singe DSA area is created and used by all the processes,
> s/Singe/Since/


+typedef struct MemoryContextBackendState
> This is only used in mcxtfuncs.c and can be moved there rather than being
> exported in the header.

This is being used in mcxt.c too in the form of the variable memCtxState.


+} MemoryContextId;
> This lacks an entry in the typedefs.list file.
> Added.

Please find attached the updated patches with the above fixes.

Thank you,
Rahila Syed

Attachment Content-Type Size
v16-0002-Function-to-report-memory-context-statistics.patch application/octet-stream 52.8 KB
v16-0001-Preparatory-changes-for-reporting-memory-context-sta.patch application/octet-stream 4.3 KB

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