Re: Statistics Import and Export

From: Corey Huinker <corey(dot)huinker(at)gmail(dot)com>
To: Jeff Davis <pgsql(at)j-davis(dot)com>
Cc: Bruce Momjian <bruce(at)momjian(dot)us>, jian he <jian(dot)universality(at)gmail(dot)com>, Matthias van de Meent <boekewurm+postgres(at)gmail(dot)com>, Tom Lane <tgl(at)sss(dot)pgh(dot)pa(dot)us>, Nathan Bossart <nathandbossart(at)gmail(dot)com>, Magnus Hagander <magnus(at)hagander(dot)net>, Stephen Frost <sfrost(at)snowman(dot)net>, Ashutosh Bapat <ashutosh(dot)bapat(dot)oss(at)gmail(dot)com>, Peter Smith <smithpb2250(at)gmail(dot)com>, PostgreSQL Hackers <pgsql-hackers(at)lists(dot)postgresql(dot)org>, alvherre(at)alvh(dot)no-ip(dot)org
Subject: Re: Statistics Import and Export
Date: 2024-11-27 05:08:26
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Lists: pgsql-hackers

> I'll be rebasing (that's done) and refactoring 0003 to get rid of the
> positional column, and moving 0014 next to 0003 because they touch the same
> files.

As promised, rebased (as of 8fcd80258bcf43dab93d877a5de0ce3f4d2bd471)

Things have been reordered here in a mostly-priority order:

0001 - Enable dumping stats in pg_dump/pg_upgrade. Now with less dead code!
0002 - The dump --no-data option. Very handy for diagnosing customer query
plans, but not in the critical path for v18. Still, so useful that we ought
to include it.
0003 - Re-enabling in-place updates because catalog bloat bad.
0004 - Combine two syscache lookups into one. Not strictly necessary, but
the second lookup is redundant if the first one grabs what we need.
0005-0010 vacuumdb changes (still up for debate) in baby steps.
0011 - The fix for clearing relation stats if the default for relpages
becomes -1 on inherited tables (which it hasn't, yet, and might never).

Attachment Content-Type Size
v33-0002-Add-no-data-option.patch text/x-patch 5.4 KB
v33-0003-Enable-in-place-updates-for-pg_restore_relation_.patch text/x-patch 5.4 KB
v33-0005-split-out-check_conn_options.patch text/x-patch 4.5 KB
v33-0001-Enable-dumping-of-table-index-stats-in-pg_dump.patch text/x-patch 34.6 KB
v33-0004-Consolidate-attribute-syscache-lookups-into-one-.patch text/x-patch 4.4 KB
v33-0006-split-out-print_processing_notice.patch text/x-patch 2.4 KB
v33-0007-split-out-generate_catalog_list.patch text/x-patch 7.1 KB
v33-0009-Add-issues_sql_unlike-opposite-of-issues_sql_lik.patch text/x-patch 1.5 KB
v33-0008-preserve-catalog-lists-across-staged-runs.patch text/x-patch 6.7 KB
v33-0010-Add-force-analyze-to-vacuumdb.patch text/x-patch 12.1 KB
v33-0011-Enable-pg_clear_relation_stats-to-handle-differe.patch text/x-patch 4.3 KB

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