Re: Eagerly scan all-visible pages to amortize aggressive vacuum

From: Melanie Plageman <melanieplageman(at)gmail(dot)com>
To: Robert Haas <robertmhaas(at)gmail(dot)com>
Cc: Robert Treat <rob(at)xzilla(dot)net>, Marcos Pegoraro <marcos(at)f10(dot)com(dot)br>, Alena Rybakina <a(dot)rybakina(at)postgrespro(dot)ru>, Andres Freund <andres(at)anarazel(dot)de>, Nazir Bilal Yavuz <byavuz81(at)gmail(dot)com>, Pg Hackers <pgsql-hackers(at)postgresql(dot)org>, Peter Geoghegan <pg(at)bowt(dot)ie>
Subject: Re: Eagerly scan all-visible pages to amortize aggressive vacuum
Date: 2025-01-27 17:44:51
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On Fri, Jan 24, 2025 at 3:43 PM Robert Haas <robertmhaas(at)gmail(dot)com> wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 24, 2025 at 3:02 PM Melanie Plageman
> <melanieplageman(at)gmail(dot)com> wrote:
> > I think you're right. I would go with a percentage. I don't see many
> > other GUCs that are percents. What would you call it? Perhaps
> > vacuum_eager_scan_fail_threshold? The % of the blocks in the table
> > vacuum may scan and fail to freeze.
> >
> > There is an issue I see with making it a percentage. The current
> > default vacuum_eager_scan_max_fails is 128 out of 4096. That means you
> > are allowed to scan about 3% of the blocks in the table even if you
> > fail to freeze every one. I don't think there are very many reasonable
> > values above 256, personally. So, it might be weird to add a
> > percentage GUC value with only very low acceptable values. Part of
> > this is that we are not making the success cap configurable, so that
> > means that you might have lots of extra I/O if you are both failing
> > and succeeding. Someone configuring this GUC might think this is
> > controlling the amount of extra I/O they are incurring.
> Why would it be unreasonable to set this value to 25% or even 100%? I
> grant that it doesn't sound like the most prudent possible value, but
> if I'm willing to fritter away my VACUUM resources to have the best
> possible chance of eagerly freezing stuff, isn't that up to me? I
> think setting this value to 100% would be WAY less damaging than
> work_mem='1TB' or autovacuum_naptime='7d', both of which are allowed.
> In fact, setting this to 100% could theoretically have no negative
> consequences at all, if it so happens that no freeze failures occur.
> Couldn't it even be a win, if freeze failures are common but
> minimizing the impact of aggressive vacuum is of overwhelming
> importance?
> Looking at ConfigureNamesReal[], some existing words we use to talk
> about real-valued GUCs include: cost, fraction, factor, bias,
> multiplier, target, rate. Of those, I like "fraction" and "rate" best
> here, because they imply a range of 0-1 rather than anything broader.
> vacuum_max_eager_freeze_failure_rate? Kinda long...

attached v11 uses a fraction with this name. It follows the
conventions and I find it descriptive.

Changing the configuration to a fraction does mean that quite a few of
the comments are different in this version. I think the description of
the guc in
config.sgml could use some review in particular. I tried to make it
clear that the percentage is not the maximum number of blocks that
could be eager scanned, because you may also eagerly scan blocks and

Other note: I noticed AutoVacOpts that are floating point numbers (like
vacuum_cost_delay) are float8s but their associated GUCs (like
autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay) are doubles. These are going to be equivalent,
but I wanted to note the inconsistency in case I was missing something.

> > """
> > <command>VACUUM</command> typically scans pages that have been
> > modified since the last vacuum. However, some all-visible but not
> > all-frozen pages are eagerly scanned to try and freeze them. Note that
> > the <structfield>relfrozenxid</structfield> can only be advanced when
> > every page of the table that might contain unfrozen XIDs is scanned.
> > """
> "to try and freeze them" seems a little awkward to me. The rest seems fine.
> "in the hope that we can freeze them"?
> That still doesn't seem great to me. Maybe it's worth expending more
> text here, not sure.

Given this and Treat's input from a different mail:

> Yeah, this feels like a net negative. As I see it, we're trying to
> connect three not-obviously related ideas for users who are trying to
> understand how this system works especially with regards to
> relfrozenxid advanced (based on the section of the docs we are in),
> loosely
> 1. you've probably heard vacuum mainly scans modified pages for cleanup
> 2. you might notice it also scans non-modified pages, because
> sometimes it wants to freeze stuff
> 3. you might think, if we are freezing stuff, why doesn't relfrozenxid advance?
> So that middle bit is trying to act as glue that pulls this all
> together. I thought the previous version was closer, with Haas's
> feedback I might go with something more like this:

I've mostly used his suggested wording in attached v11.

> > I rewrote the comment using some of your input and trying to clarify
> > my initial point about opportunistic vs guaranteed freezing.
> >
> > """
> > If FreezeLimit has not advanced past the relfrozenxid or
> > MultiXactCutoff has not advanced past relminmxid, we are unlikely to
> > be able to freeze anything new.
> > Tuples with XIDs older than OldestXmin or MXIDs older than OldestMxact
> > are technically freezable, but we won't freeze them unless some other
> > criteria for opportunistic freezing is met.
> It's not super clear to me what "some other criteria" means here, but
> maybe it's fine.

Given this thought and Treat's feedback below

> Yeah, I also think the "some other criteria" part seems poor, although
> tbh this all feels like a net negative to the previous wording or
> Haas's suggested change, like you're describing what the code below it
> does rather than what the intentions of the code are. For example, I
> like the "freeze horizon" language vs explicit FreezeLimit since the
> code could change even if the goal doesn't. But in lue of going back
> to that wording (modulo your 1 line explanation in your email), if I
> were to attempt to split the difference:
> We only want to
> enable eager scanning if we are likely to be able to freeze some of
> the pages in the relation, which is unlikely if FreezeLimit has not
> advanced past
> relfrozenxid or if MultiXactCutoff has not advanced passed
> relminmxid. Granted, there may be pages we didn't try to freeze
> before, or some previously blocking XID greater than FreezeLimit may
> have now ended (allowing for freezing), but as a heuristic we wait
> until the
> FreezeLimit advances to increase our chances of successful freezing.

I've updated the proposed text to mostly be in line with what he suggested.

> > ended, rendering additional tuples freezable.
> > As a heuristic, however, it makes sense to wait until the FreezeLimit
> > or MultiXactCutoff has advanced before eager scanning.
> > """
> >
> > > + ereport(INFO,
> > > + (errmsg("Vacuum successfully froze %u eager scanned blocks of
> > > \"%s.%s.%s\". Now disabling eager scanning.",
> > >
> > > I predict that if Tom sees this, you will get complaints about both
> > > the wording of the message, which pretty clearly does not conform to
> > > style guidelines for a primary error message, and also about the use
> > > of the INFO level. Allow me to suggest DEBUG1 or DEBUG2 and "disabling
> > > eager scanning after freezing %u eagerly scanned blocks".
> >
> > I've used your wording. Just for future reference, are the style
> > guidelines I was violating the capitalization and punctuation? Are
> > these documented somewhere? Also, what is a primary error message?
> > INFO level? Or ones that use ereport and are translated? I looked at
> > other messages and saw that they don't capitalize the first word or
> > use punctuation, so I assume that those were problems.
> Yes. Primary error messages, i.e. errmsg(), are not capitalized and
> punctuated, unlike errdetail() and errhint() messages, which are.
> See
> INFO level is used for VERY few things. I can't tell you off the top
> of my head when it's appropriate, but I think the answer is "almost
> never".

I have changed it to DEBUG2. I started it as INFO because the other vacuum
messages about whether or not the vacuum is an aggressive vacuum were at INFO
level.I don't know what a user might prefer. Treat said this downthread:

> Maybe, but one of the areas that INFO is used for is providing
> additional details in VACUUM VERBOSE output, and this seems like it
> would be pretty useful information to have if you are trying to
> discern changes in i/o rate during a vacuum, or trying to tune the
> failure rate setting, or several other related fields (including
> automated capture by tools like pganalyze), so I believe INFO is the
> right choice for this.

I'm happy to go either way. I don't want users mad about verbosity, but if they
think it's helpful, then that seems good.

- Melanie

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v11-0001-Eagerly-scan-all-visible-pages-to-amortize-aggre.patch application/octet-stream 41.5 KB

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