Bypassing cursors in postgres_fdw to enable parallel plans

From: Rafia Sabih <rafia(dot)pghackers(at)gmail(dot)com>
To: PostgreSQL Hackers <pgsql-hackers(at)lists(dot)postgresql(dot)org>
Cc: Robert Haas <robertmhaas(at)gmail(dot)com>
Subject: Bypassing cursors in postgres_fdw to enable parallel plans
Date: 2025-01-06 08:52:10
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Lists: pgsql-hackers

Hello hackers,

At present, in postgres_fdw, if a query which is using a parallel plan is
fired from the remote end fails to use the parallel plan locally because of
the presence of CURSORS. Consider the following example,
Local server,
create table t ( i int, j int, k text);
insert into t values(generate_series(1,10000), generate_series(1, 10000),
select * from t where i > 1000;
Query plan
Gather (cost=0.00..116.08 rows=9000 width=23)
Workers Planned: 2
-> Parallel Seq Scan on t (cost=0.00..116.08 rows=3750 width=23)
Filter: (i > 1000)

Foreign server
create extension postgres_fdw;
(host '', port '5432', dbname 'postgres');
CREATE USER MAPPING FOR user1 SERVER foreign_server OPTIONS (user 'user1');
CREATE FOREIGN TABLE foreign_table ( i int, j int, k text ) SERVER
foreign_server OPTIONS (schema_name 'public', table_name 't');
select * from t where i > 1000;
Query plan at the local server
Seq Scan on t (cost=0.00..189.00 rows=9000 width=23)
Filter: (i > 1000)

I have used auto_explain extension to get the query plans at the local
server and also following settings in .conf to force the parallel plans for
the purpose of demonstration --
min_parallel_table_scan_size = 0
parallel_tuple_cost= 0
parallel_setup_cost = 0

with the patch:
set postgres_fdw.use_cursor = false;
Query plan at the local server
Gather (cost=0.00..116.08 rows=9000 width=23)
Workers Planned: 2
-> Parallel Seq Scan on t (cost=0.00..116.08 rows=3750 width=23)
Filter: (i > 1000)

Now, to overcome this limitation, I have worked on this idea (suggested by
my colleague Bernd Helmle) of bypassing the cursors. The way it works is as
there is a new GUC introduced postgres_fdw.use_cursor, which when unset
uses the mode without the cursor. Now, it uses PQsetChunkedRowsMode in
create_cursor when non-cursor mode is used. The size of the chunk is the
same as the fetch_size. Now in fetch_more_data, when non-cursor mode is
used, pgfdw_get_next_result is used to get the chunk in PGresult and
processed in the same manner as before.

Now, the issue comes when there are simultaneous queries, which is the case
with the join queries where all the tables involved in the join are at the
local server. Because in that case we have multiple cursors opened at the
same time and without a cursor mechanism we do not have any information or
any other structure to know what to fetch from which query. To handle that
case, we have a flag only_query, which is unset as soon as we have assigned
the cursor_number >= 2, in postgresBeginForeignScan. Now, in fetch_more
data, when we find out that only_query is unset, then we fetch all the data
for the query and store it in a Tuplestore. These tuples are then
transferred to the fsstate->tuples and then processed as usual.

So yes there is a performance drawback in the case of simultaneous queries,
however, the ability to use parallel plans is really an added advantage for
the users. Plus, we can keep things as before by this new GUC --
use_cursor, in case we are losing more for some workloads. So, in short I
feel hopeful that this could be a good idea and a good time to improve

Looking forward to your reviews, comments, etc.
Rafia Sabih
CYBERTEC PostgreSQL International GmbH

Attachment Content-Type Size
0001-Add-a-fetch-mechanism-without-cursors.patch application/octet-stream 13.7 KB


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