Questions about the new subscription parameter: password_required

From: Benoit Lobréau <benoit(dot)lobreau(at)dalibo(dot)com>
To: pgsql-hackers <pgsql-hackers(at)postgresql(dot)org>
Subject: Questions about the new subscription parameter: password_required
Date: 2023-09-21 09:58:37
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I am confused about the new subscription parameter: password_required.

I have two instances. The publisher's pg_hba is configured too allow
connections without authentication. On the subscriber, I have an
unprivileged user with pg_create_subscription and CREATE on the database.

I tried using a superuser to create a subsciption without setting the
password_required parameter (the default is true). Then I changed the
owner to the unprivileged user.

This user can use the subscription without limitation (including ALTER
SUBSCRIPTION ENABLE / DISABLE). The \dRs+ metacommand shows that a
password is requiered, which is not the case (or it is but it's not

Is this normal? I was expecting the ALTER SUBSCRIPTION .. OWNER to fail.

When I try to drop the subscription with the unprivileged user or a
superuser, I get an error:

ERROR: password is required
DETAIL: Non-superuser cannot connect if the server does not request a
HINT: Target server's authentication method must be changed, or set
password_required=false in the subscription parameters.

I have to re-change the subscription owner to the superuser, to be able
to drop it.

(See password_required.sql and password_required.log)

I tried the same setup and changed the connexion string to add an
application_name with the unprivileged user. In this case, I am reminded
that I need a password. I tried modifying password_required to false
with the superuser and modify the connexion string with the unprivilege
user again. It fails with:

HINT: Subscriptions with the password_required option set to false may
only be created or modified by the superuser.

I think that this part works as intended.

I tried dropping the subscription with the unprivilege user: it works.
Is it normal (given the previous message)?

(see password_required2.sql and password_required2.log)

Benoit Lobréau

Attachment Content-Type Size
password_required.log text/x-log 3.3 KB
password_required.sql application/sql 640 bytes
password_required2.log text/x-log 3.7 KB
password_required2.sql application/sql 797 bytes


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