Re: XMLDocument (SQL/XML X030)

From: Jim Jones <jim(dot)jones(at)uni-muenster(dot)de>
To: Chapman Flack <jcflack(at)acm(dot)org>, Pavel Stehule <pavel(dot)stehule(at)gmail(dot)com>
Cc: Robert Treat <rob(at)xzilla(dot)net>, PostgreSQL Hackers <pgsql-hackers(at)lists(dot)postgresql(dot)org>
Subject: Re: XMLDocument (SQL/XML X030)
Date: 2025-01-24 22:11:06
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Lists: pgsql-hackers

On 24.01.25 22:01, Chapman Flack wrote:
> It seems to me the key connection there is that the ISO SQL standard
> defines XMLDOCUMENT by equivalence to what `document { $expr }` means
> in the W3 XML Query standard.

It seems I missed one sentence. My bad.

Next try... :)

The <function>xmldocument</function> function returns the input argument
unchanged, or <literal>NULL</literal> if the argument is
<literal>NULL</literal>, and is provided for compatibility.

The SQL-standard <replaceable>XMLDocument</replaceable> function applied
to an XML value <literal>$EXPR</literal>, has effects equivalent to the
XML Query expression <replaceable>document { $EXPR }</replaceable>. It
replaces any document nodes in the input with their children and wraps
the whole result in a single <replaceable>document node</replaceable>.

In the XML Query standard, a <replaceable>document node</replaceable>
represents a relaxed version of an XML document structure. This
corresponds to what PostgreSQL's single XML type allows, meaning that
any valid non-null PostgreSQL XML value can be returned unchanged. Other
systems may support more permissive XML data types, such as
<literal>XML(SEQUENCE)</literal>, which allow values that do not conform
to this structure. In PostgreSQL, every valid non-null value of the XML
type already has that structure, making additional processing by this
function unnecessary.

v6 attached.


Best regards, Jim

Attachment Content-Type Size
v6-0001-Add-XMLDocument-function-SQL-XML-X030.patch text/x-patch 11.8 KB

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