Parameterized queries

From: "Jan Klostermann" <klostermann(at)rhf(dot)de>
To: <pgsql-interfaces(at)postgresql(dot)org>
Subject: Parameterized queries
Date: 2003-11-14 16:05:46
Message-ID: 001b01c3aac9$2a7d77c0$f564a8c0@BARCELONA
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Lists: pgsql-interfaces


I would like to know, if there exists a way in PostgreSQL to insert data
not exclusively via the SQL-query-string but using a direct data
interface, thus avoiding parsing the data into string and then back into
binary data representation (e.g. Double).

What I would like to use is a query like this: INSERT INTO table
(number1, number2) VALUES (?,?)
Before executing the query the command structure would be fill with the
parameters for the 2 values (e.g. 3.33 and 5.555) and then there would
follow the execution, where the query parser would replace the "?" with
the current data of the parameters and execute the appopriate query.

Unfortunately I cannot find anything about query-contructions with
question marks ("?"), therefore I am already wondering if this way of
transfering data exists with PostgreSQL!?

Is there anybody out there, who can help me with this?
Is there another way of efficiently transfering data, avoiding parsing
back and forth?

Jan Klostermann

PS: I tried to do it via the ODBC interface and it did not work. Then I
scanned through the documentation, incl. libpq and did not find anything


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