September 26, 2024: PostgreSQL 17 Released!
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Unsupported versions: 11 / 10 / 9.6 / 9.5 / 9.4 / 9.3 / 9.2 / 9.1 / 9.0 / 8.4 / 8.3 / 8.2 / 8.1 / 8.0 / 7.4
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35.33. referential_constraints

The view referential_constraints contains all referential (foreign key) constraints in the current database. Only those constraints are shown for which the current user has write access to the referencing table (by way of being the owner or having some privilege other than SELECT).

Table 35-31. referential_constraints Columns

Name Data Type Description
constraint_catalog sql_identifier Name of the database containing the constraint (always the current database)
constraint_schema sql_identifier Name of the schema containing the constraint
constraint_name sql_identifier Name of the constraint
unique_constraint_catalog sql_identifier Name of the database that contains the unique or primary key constraint that the foreign key constraint references (always the current database)
unique_constraint_schema sql_identifier Name of the schema that contains the unique or primary key constraint that the foreign key constraint references
unique_constraint_name sql_identifier Name of the unique or primary key constraint that the foreign key constraint references
match_option character_data Match option of the foreign key constraint: FULL, PARTIAL, or NONE.
update_rule character_data Update rule of the foreign key constraint: CASCADE, SET NULL, SET DEFAULT, RESTRICT, or NO ACTION.
delete_rule character_data Delete rule of the foreign key constraint: CASCADE, SET NULL, SET DEFAULT, RESTRICT, or NO ACTION.