September 26, 2024: PostgreSQL 17 Released!
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50.21. pg_event_trigger

The catalog pg_event_trigger stores event triggers. See Chapter 38 for more information.

Table 50-21. pg_event_trigger Columns

Name Type References Description
evtname name   Trigger name (must be unique)
evtevent name   Identifies the event for which this trigger fires
evtowner oid pg_authid.oid Owner of the event trigger
evtfoid oid pg_proc.oid The function to be called
evtenabled char   Controls in which session_replication_role modes the event trigger fires. O = trigger fires in "origin" and "local" modes, D = trigger is disabled, R = trigger fires in "replica" mode, A = trigger fires always.
evttags text[]   Command tags for which this trigger will fire. If NULL, the firing of this trigger is not restricted on the basis of the command tag.