Survey Results

The current results of our When are you planning to upgrade to PostgreSQL 9.6? survey are:

Answer Responses Percentage
I've already upgraded! 254 48.565965583174%
Before the end of 2016 22 4.2065009560229445%
Before the end of March, 2017 26 4.97131931166348%
Before the end of June, 2017 29 5.544933078393881%
Not sure, but definitely in 2017 44 8.413001912045889%
My organization has requirements that prevent me from upgrading to PostgreSQL 9.6 23 4.397705544933078%
I'm going to wait for PostgreSQL 10 41 7.839388145315487%
I'm new to PostgreSQL and 9.6 is the first version I've used! 84 16.061185468451242%
Total 523

This survey was posted Dec. 14, 2016.

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