Survey Results

The current results of our How soon do you plan to upgrade your production servers to 9.1? survey are:

Answer Responses Percentage
I'm already running it 772 49.078194532739985%
The same week 9.1 comes out 72 4.577240940877305%
As soon as I can schedule a downtime 125 7.946598855689765%
After 9.1.1 comes out 75 4.767959313413859%
In a few months 146 9.281627463445645%
Once my linux distribution supports it 164 10.42593769866497%
I'll probably skip 9.1 and wait for 9.2 141 8.963763509218055%
I don't upgrade 78 4.958677685950414%
Total 1573

This survey was posted Sept. 10, 2011.

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