Survey Results

The current results of our What do you think of Hot Standby/Streaming Replication? survey are:

Answer Responses Percentage
I love it, running it in production already! 23 17.557251908396946%
I've built a multi-server load balancing network on it. 0 0%
Pretty happy with it, but it was hard to set up initially. 13 9.923664122137405%
I'd like to use it but it doesn't fit my workload. 8 6.106870229007634%
I tried it but couldn't figure out how to deploy it. 6 4.580152671755725%
I still prefer Slony. 5 3.816793893129771%
I haven't had time to look at it yet. 76 58.01526717557252%
Total 131

This survey was posted Oct. 20, 2010.

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