Survey Results

The current results of our What reporting products do you use with PostgreSQL? survey are:

Answer Responses Percentage
<a href="">Cognos ReportNet </a> 6 2.4489795918367347%
<a href="">Crystal Reports</a> 37 15.10204081632653%
<a href="">JasperReports</a> 62 25.306122448979593%
<a href="">MicroStrategy</a> 1 0.40816326530612246%
<a href="">Microsoft Reporting Services</a> 11 4.489795918367347%
<a href="">OpenRPT</a> 9 3.673469387755102%
Home-Brew Reporting Engine 61 24.897959183673468%
None 58 23.6734693877551%
Total 245

This survey was posted March 1, 2006.

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