Survey Results

The current results of our Where did you get your current production copy of PostgreSQL from? survey are:

Answer Responses Percentage
FTP/Bittorrent from 760 59.889676910953504%
Included with your Operating System Distribution (Ports/Fink/Yum/Apt/etc..) 431 33.96375098502758%
Some other Open Source website 31 2.442868400315209%
Commerical Distribution (Bizgres/EnterpriseDB/ Pervasive/Powergres/etc..) 5 0.39401103230890466%
Direct from CVS 27 2.127659574468085%
Other (email us your suggestions) 15 1.1820330969267139%
Total 1269

This survey was posted Oct. 10, 2005.

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