Code of Conduct Committee

Last updated: July 7, 2024. View change history.


You can contact the Code of Conduct Committee at

Current Members

Aleksandra Abramova
alabramova671 (at)
Aleksandra Abramova is a Community Specialist at Percona. She focuses on growing open source communities and making them accessible to different kinds of contributors. Her inspiration is supporting women in the tech industry and in their lives, and promoting diversity.
Chris Travers
chris.travers (at)
Chris Travers has 25 years of experience with PostgreSQL in many roles from DBA to developer and is active on commitfiests. He also actively presents at conferences around the world. He is deeply committed to helping expand Postgres worldwide. He has been involved in leading other open source software projects through the years, including LedgerSMB which he helped found. He currently lives in Indonesia for family reasons and believes in helping ensure that the PostgreSQL community and we can come together across diverse cultural and other backgrounds in our community to build the economic commons that economically support so many of us.
Sergei Kim
serk.kmh (at)
Sergei Kim is passionate about Architecting the Future. As a Solutions Architect at EPAM, he specializes in crafting innovative solutions that bridge the gap between vision and reality. Nestled in the picturesque Netherlands, he's made it his mission to design and develop cutting-edge, distributed, and highly-loaded systems that pave the way for tomorrow's digital landscape.
Simon Pane
simon.pane (at)
Simon Pane works as a Principal Consultant for Pythian, specializing in PostgreSQL and Oracle on-premises and in the cloud. Simon is located in Canada and has been working with relational databases for over 25 years. As well as having been heavily involved in the community as a regular presenter and blogger, he is a past user-group Board Director and has served as a volunteer member of several formal industry and community Advisory Boards.

Past Members

  • Anastasia Lubennikova (2020–2022)
  • Anthony Nowocien (2022–2024)
  • Carole Arnaud (2019–2021)
  • Eliza Bennett (2022–2024; Chair, 2023–2024)
  • Fábio Telles Rodriguez (2020–2021)
  • Ilaria Battiston (2021–2023)
  • Ilya Kosmodemiansky (2018–2020)
  • Jeanette Bromage (2020–2022)
  • Jonathan Katz (2018–2020)
  • Lætitia Avrot (2018–2019)
  • Lucie Šimečková (2021–2024)
  • Michael Goldberg (2020–2023; Chair, 2022–2023)
  • Stacey Haysler (Chair, 2018–2021)
  • Stefan Fercot (2021–2023)
  • Umair Shahid (2019–2022; Chair, 2021–2022)
  • Vik Fearing (2018–2019)