News Archive - Community Conferences

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PGDay Austria 2021 - Full schedule out now!

Posted on 2021-07-22 by CYBERTEC PostgreSQL International GmbH Community Conferences
Dear PostgreSQL-enthusiasts! We are happy to announce that the full schedule for PGDay Austria is now out and available here: …


Submit your talk to PG Day'21 Russia by 7 June!

Posted on 2021-06-04 by PGDay Russia organisers Community Conferences
Dear friends, We would like to announce that PG Day’21 Russia will take place online on 8-9 July! Submit your …


PGCon Unconference - Friday May 28

Posted on 2021-05-27 by PGCon Community Community Conferences
Hello, The PGCon 2021 Unconference is this upcoming Friday, May 28th starting at 10 AM. Times are based in Ottawa, …


PostgreSQL @ FOSDEM 2021 - Call for Papers

Posted on 2020-12-14 by PostgreSQL Europe Community Conferences
Call for Proposals We are happy to announce that FOSDEM is hosting a virtual PostgreSQL Devroom at FOSDEM 2021. Next …


PGDU 2019, early bird registration closing soon !

Posted on 2019-11-01 by PostgreSQL Down Under Community Conferences
PG Down Under 2019 is the annual PostgreSQL conference in Australia which provides a unique opportunity for PostgreSQL Enthusiasts to …


PgDay SF 2020 Announced!

Posted on 2019-10-28 by PgDay San Francisco Community Conferences
PgDay San Francisco (PgDay SF) is a 1-day 1-track PostgreSQL conference to be held in San Francisco on January 21, …


PGDU 2019 - Conference Schedule Announcement

Posted on 2019-10-24 by PostgreSQL Down Under Community Conferences
PG Down Under 2019 is the annual PostgreSQL conference in Australia which provides a unique opportunity for PostgreSQL Enthusiasts to …


Registration is now open for PgDU 2019 (Australia and New Zealand)

Posted on 2019-10-02 by PostgreSQL Down Under Community Conferences
PgDU 2019, being held in lovely Sydney, has opened registration with Early Bird tickets available now!!! PostgreSQL Down Under Incorporated, …


pgDay Santiago 2019 Open for Registration

Posted on 2019-09-09 by Grupo de Usuarios de PostgreSQL de Chile Community Conferences
pgDay Santiago 2019's Early Bird tickets are now being sold — get yours now! pgDay Santiago is a non-profit, community-run …


CFP Now open for PGDU 2019, Sydney, Australia.

Posted on 2019-09-06 by PostgreSQL Down Under Community Conferences
The annual gathering of the PostgreSQL community in Down Under is just a couple of months away. PostgreSQL Down Under …


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