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PGCloud Conference London: Call for Papers is Now Open!

Posted on 2023-05-29 by PG Cloud Other Conferences
The Call for Papers is now open for PGCloud Conference London! Taking place in London on 10th August 2023. We …


HypoPG 1.4.0 is out!

Posted on 2023-05-29 by Julien Rouhaud Related Open Source
Taipei, Taiwan - May 27th, 2023 HypoPG 1.4.0 I'm pleased to announce the release of the version 1.4.0 of HypoPG, …


pg_dumpbinary v2.11 released

Posted on 2023-05-28 by Gilles Darold Related Open Source
Zurich, Switzerland - May 25th, 2023 pg_dumpbinary pg_dumpbinary dumps a PostgreSQL database to a binary format. The resulting dump must …


PostgreSQL 16 Beta 1 Released!

Posted on 2023-05-25 by PostgreSQL Global Development Group PostgreSQL Project
The PostgreSQL Global Development Group announces that the first beta release of PostgreSQL 16 is now available for download. This …


pgmetrics 1.15 released

Posted on 2023-05-21 by RapidLoop, Inc. Related Open Source
Hello All, We're happy to announce the release of v1.15 of pgmetrics. Changes since the v1.14 release include: New: support …


Pgpool-II 4.4.3, 4.3.6, 4.2.13, 4.1.16 and 4.0.23 released.

Posted on 2023-05-21 by Pgpool Global Development Group Related Open Source
What is Pgpool-II? Pgpool-II is a tool to add useful features to PostgreSQL, including: connection pooling load balancing automatic failover …


pg_track_settings 4.1.2 is out!

Posted on 2023-05-16 by Julien Rouhaud Related Open Source
Taipei, Taiwan - May 13th, 2023 pg_track_settings 2.1.2 I'm pleased to announce the release of the version 2.1.2 of pg_track_settings, …


credcheck v1.2.0 released

Posted on 2023-05-16 by MigOps Related Open Source
May 13, 2023 PostgreSQL credcheck extension The credcheck PostgreSQL extension provides few general credential checks, which will be evaluated during …


PostgreSQL 15.3, 14.8, 13.11, 12.15, and 11.20 Released!

Posted on 2023-05-11 by PostgreSQL Global Development Group PostgreSQL Project Security
The PostgreSQL Global Development Group has released an update to all supported versions of PostgreSQL, including 15.3, 14.8, 13.11, 12.15, …


SPA 1.0: Data privacy and security solution for Postgres, Released!

Posted on 2023-05-04 by Cosmic Kayka L.L.C. Related Proprietary
We heard you and we did it! Cosmic Kayka LLC is releasing a data privacy and security solution for Postgres …


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