Antananarivo, Madagascar - March 18th, 2025
pgtt is a PostgreSQL extension to create, manage and use DB2 or Oracle-style Global Temporary Tables. Once created the use is just like with the other RDBMS.
pgtt v4.1 has been released, this is a maintenance release only to fix issues reported by users since latest release.
Complete list of changes is available here
pgtt is an open project. Any contribution to build a better tool is welcome. You just have to send your ideas, features requests or patches using the GitHub tools.
Links :
The objective of this extension it to provide the Global Temporary Table feature waiting for an in core implementation. The main interest of this extension is to mimic the Oracle behavior with GTT when you can not or don't want to rewrite the application code when migrating to PostgreSQL.
This is a project created and maintained by Gilles Darold at HexaCluster Corp.