pgagroal 1.5.0

Posted on 2022-08-30 by Red Hat
Related Open Source

The pgagroal community is happy to announce version 1.5.0.

The release was driven by Luca Ferrari with a focus on production level usability.

New features

  • Log formatting
  • Log rotation
  • Prometheus metrics cache
  • Tutorials
  • Bash and zsh completions


pgagroal is a high-performance protocol-native connection pool for PostgreSQL.


  • High performance
  • Connection pool
  • Limit connections for users and databases
  • Prefill support
  • Remove idle connections
  • Perform connection validation
  • Enable / disable database access
  • Graceful / fast shutdown
  • Prometheus support
  • Grafana 8 dashboard
  • Remote management
  • Authentication query support
  • Failover support
  • Transport Layer Security (TLS) v1.2+ support
  • Daemon mode
  • User vault

Learn more on our web site or GitHub. Follow on Twitter.

pgagroal is released under the 3-clause BSD license, and is sponsored by Red Hat.