Date: 2025-04-25
Location: Chicago, Illinois, United States
Language: English
PostgreSQL Community Event This event is recognized under the community event guidelines. PGDay Chicago 2025 will be held on April 25 in Chicago, IL. The conference focuses on topics for PostgreSQL users. For more information about the event, please see the website at
PGDay Chicago is thrilled to have an operations committee from a number of different organizations, all working together as part of the United States PostgreSQL Association, to put on this community event following the PostgreSQL.Org Community Conference guidelines.
Andreas 'ads' Scherbaum - Adjust GmbH
Henrietta Dombrovskaya - DRW
Pat Wright - Wright Database Consulting
PGDay Chicago is excited to have put together a fantastic and diverse talk selection committee, each coming from a distinct company, all of whom have been involved with PostgreSQL and the PostgreSQL community for many years. The talk selection committee will have complete say over the talks selected and approved for the conference, with each member having an equal vote, following the PostgreSQL.Org Community Conference guidelines.
Karen Jex - Crunchy Data (Chair)
Boriss Mejias - EDB
Dian Fay - Beacon Biosignals
Gülçin Yıldırım Jelinek - Xata
Umair Shahid - Stormatics
We look forward to hearing from you, and seeing you in Chicago!
Posted by PgDay Chicago.
Note: The PostgreSQL Global Development Group does not endorse any events run by third parties. No guarantee of the quality of events is offered whatsoever.